Here is a partial list of what I was sent in the mail. My daughter has degus and at one time sugar gliders, which is why we got it.
Summary of Law: It is unlawful for persons to possess a potentially dangerous species or non indigenous species as a "pet." Potentially dangerous species include the but is not limited to following orders: Primates; Carnivora (nondomestic dogs and cats, bears); Saura (venomous gila monsters); Serpentes (venomous coral snakes, cobras, vipers, pit vipers); Crocodilia (alligators, crocodiles, gavials); Psittaciformes (ring-necked and monk parakeets);Marsupial Infraclass (opossums, wombats, kangaroos, sugar gliders) and Rodentia (prairie dogs, ground squirrels, degus). Zoos and other exhibitors may possess these animals upon showing that specific criteria have been met, such as extensive experience in handling and caring for the animal.
Why some of these animals are on the list, puzzles me. Most of the pet stores in the area, especially the Mom and Dad type, which are the ones I frequent carry and post a extensive list.