RE: What pets are the easiest and the hardest to take care of?
What pet is the easiest to take care of? A simple gold fish in a bowl, a little food everyday and a easy wash of the bowl.
Cat What pet is the hardest to take care of? Drawf Goats. Although they a lovely animals they require daily grooming.
What pet is the cheapest to take care of? Again, A gold fish, cost is less than a dollar to purchase. Food is 8.00 and last for a month or more.
What pet is the most expensive to take care of? Degus. Although food and grooming supplies don't cost much, you have to constantly replace chewing items.
What pet do you have so spend the most time on/with in order to take care of it? My boys, we spend almost everyday together playing, walking or taking a car ride.
What pet can you spend least time on to take care of it? Guinea pigs. Although they like to be held, they like their only time more. Clean cage once a week and keep the food and water bowl filled.
What pet is the laziest? My dog Gizzy, being the alpha dog, he figures why bother.
What pet is the most energetic? Drawf Goats. They are always on the move! Think they are touched with ADHD.
What pet is the #1 attention whore? Gizzy, again alpha dog
What pet is #1 anti-social? The gold fish, he's a loner.