It's a stage that will develop over time. It's not something that you necessarily can stop. Just like any child, they want attention and to play. You have to take into consideration that your dog is still getting used to being away from his siblings and mother. It's a whole new life that he never expected. Here's the following that I would recommend that may help change your dog's behavorial to some degree:
The first is to buy dog toys specifically made for teething. Usually when puppies are destroying furniture and items is because they are physically developing. The tension of their bones, skin, and even teeth are occurring. If you buy toys that are built for teething, you will not only prevent him from taking other toys, but he'll calm down quite a bit. This next suggestion is definitely a bit out of range, but it couldn't hurt. Having another animal, whether it be a dog or cat, will help the attention problem go away quickly. Yes, he has all of you throughout the day, but there's something special when two of the same kind are mingling. But again, this is a bit out of range, and since you just got a puppy, it would be too soon to get another.
Like mentioned before, this is something that could mainly be grown out of through time. It's developmental. But if you were looking for quick gradual results, my suggestions may help you! Good luck!