Isn't cat-declawing considered by most to be excessively cruel? I'm not trying to be snarky or sarcastic, I'm legitimately curious. It seems on most forums that declawing your cat is one of the worst things you can do to them.
I wouldn't declaw my cat, simply because I believe that the only alteration to their body should be spaying and neutering, other than that I'd let them live with all their parts intact. I do know that cats'll scratch things because they have scent glands on their feet, and it keeps their claws maintained or something like that. Other than that, I'm not familiar with claws and why you'd declaw them other than to prevent scratching, which I do know can be prevented using various other means like scratching posts. My cat claws things all the time, and we simply let her. What she claws she usually leaves no marks on, save for one time she almost tore the carpet off the side of the stairs. We got her a scratching post with the EXACT same carpet and everything, but the little bastard wouldn't use it and kept clawin' away.