I grew up with a dog in the house throughout most of my childhood. Sometimes we'd have more than one. So, I always considered myself a "dog person". When my oldest son was little we got a puppy and that girl became a most wonderful contribution to our family!! We'd had a few stray kittens adopt us over the years....almost always they were "outside only" cats because I was fearful of having one inside....having listened to and believed all the nightmares about cats destroying your home. When our dog was about 8 I was (grudgingly!!) talked into adopting a kitten and was on pins and needles at first. It soon became apparent that she was NOT set on vandalizing our home! But honestly...I have to admit I never wanted to adopt another one because I thought THAT one MIGHT! LOL
Now...we have two cats in our home (hubby came complete with one last year). And...although I still love dogs I have to say the cats fit my lifestyle better than a dog would. We're on the go a lot and I'm not sure I have the time or energy that a dog would take. Our girls seem to tolerate the level of attention they get when we're around and can easily manage on their own for a bit. And my hubby, who is a super-duper animal lover, gets his "dog fixes" whenever we go for a walk. On a lucky day he gets his face licked more than once!