It is important to clip your dogs toenails when they start getting too long, or they may start growing into a circle and back into their leg, especially the dewclaw, if it has not bend removed when they were a puppy.
Two of my dogs are fine with this, and could care less, but my Chipper just goes into a panic, and he yells and screams even before I touch him with the clippers. He is only 5-6 lbs, but my husband has to hold him while I clip each of his toes, as he squirms and squalls. The problem with this, is when he squirms, then I am more apt to slip and trim the nail too short, so I usually try to just get a bit of the end of the nail, and not cut it as short as it should be.
It is always a huge job to get him clipped, but necessary, and he is glad to have his treats afterward.