I think that this is a decision that each person must decide for their self, according to their beliefs. When I was growing up, back in the 1950s, life was very different. We did not go to a doctor unless it was a serious situation, like a broken arm or leg.
Most kids never even had shots for things like measles or mumps, we were expected to go through those "childhood illnesses" when we were little. Dogs and cats didn't go to a vet unless they were hurt, or being neutered, and even that was fairly rare back then.
So I grew up , learning to treat minor medical issues, both human and animal at home, and using home remedies. I always do that first, and only go to the vet if it is something serious that can't be treated at home, and I look online to see what other people have done to treat a similar issue, if I don't know what to do.
I am very skeptical about giving either myself or my pets any kind of chemicals. Now it is coming out that many kids that received the polio vaccine years ago are getting cancer from something that was in the vaccine, so you never know what something will do, even years down the road.