I have three amazing cats, each of which came from completely different circumstances.
Tommy, is my oldest cat and is currently around 3 1/2 years old. He was adopted from a shelter. Prior to his adoption, Tommy had undergone four surgeries before he was deemed physically healthy enough to be released to a new home. It has taken Tommy about two years to recover emotionally and gain a level of comfortableness and trust that he may have never found if he hadn't been rescued from an animal shelter.
Rusty is my second cat and is almost 2 years old. I came across Rusty one day while browsing through Craigslist. I brought him home at 8 weeks and as a result he is my first pet that wasn't rescued and therefore has never had a single want or need unanswered. I have watched him grow into a confident and playful cat and this has shown me how every animal would be if they were given the life that they deserve.
Cracker Jack is my third and youngest cat, he is about 8 or 9 months. I literally found him sleeping under my mailbox. I've never known exactly how he came to be there, he was too young and small to have walked on his own. It's my belief that someone left him there in hopes that someone would take him in. Cracker Jack has always been a little timid and skiddish, we hope that he will one day gain assurance that he is safe and will no longer feel the need to retreat under the nearest bed.