Here is a quote from an interesting article that I was just now reading about dolphins, suggesting that since they are so intelligent, and so socially developed, that they should be considered as a non-human species of person .
Say what ?
I am totally in favor of all creatures being treated humanely by people, and no animal should be abused, or treated cruelly, but I do not believe that we should be giving them basically human status. They would have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, just like a human ? Rights to be married next maybe, so we will soon be seeing dolphin wedding ceremonies, and then paternity suits ?
Read this article quote, and see what you think :
The Ministry notes increasing worldwide efforts to bestow basic rights onto dolphins, such as the rights to life, liberty and bodily integrity. “Various scientists… have suggested that the unusually high intelligence… means that dolphins should be seen as “nonhuman persons” and as such should have their own specific rights… (it is) morally unacceptable to keep them for captive entertainment purposes.”