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2 filters for a 40 gallon tank?
08-10-2016, 03:57 PM,
Mei Roe Offline

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2 filters for a 40 gallon tank?
I'm writing this after one of my baby clownfish got stuck in the filters suction (i think its called). 

I have two filters in my 40 gallon tank which are the AquaClear 110 filter for a tank up to 60-100 gallons and the Rena Filstar filter xp3 which is for a tank up to 55 gallons. I have two baby clown fish, one cardinal fish and one bi color Pseudochomis. I'm a over doing it by having both of them on? If I can keep both on what should I do with AquaClear since its strong suction got my baby clownfish stuck in it in the first place.

thank you for the help
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08-11-2016, 02:32 PM,
Thor Offline


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RE: 2 filters for a 40 gallon tank?
Hi Mei Roe,
Welcome to the forum!  Welcome

There is no such thing as over-filtering.    The more filtration the better water quality it is for the fish.   What you can do is to install a sponge pre-filter on the filter intake to prevent it suck in any more fish. It will also slow down the water flow slightly while increase the biological filtration.   At the same time a pre-filter can cut down the maintenance need for the filters by preventing most of the debris from getting into the filter.
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03-31-2020, 09:50 PM,
larryalehman13 Offline

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RE: 2 filters for a 40 gallon tank?
These 2 best filter 40 gallon tank;
Huijukon Air Pump Double Sponge Filter: 

Incredible for 40 to 55 gallons, this wipe channel has a twofold wipe set up so it tends to be successful for most medium-sized tanks. 

Its wipe has numerous layers so it can have more phases of cleaning while the conduit has a correct point plan so the yield air can only with significant effort overwhelm your fish. 

There are 2 suction cups remembered for this bundle to make it simple to position in your tank. 

It tends to be utilized for tanks that have betta fish, nano fish, goldfish, and in any event, for infants and reproducers. 

You can likewise utilize it as a channel for non-fish, for example, shrimps and axolotl. 

Things We Liked: 

Double wipe framework 
Numerous layers of wipe material 
Flexible stature 
Incredible for gourami and betta fish 
Both mechanical and organic filtration 
Simple to clean 
Things We Didn't Like 
Some pneumatic machines may show up marginally harmed 

Penn Plax Undergravel Filter: 

With a level plan that fits tanks of 40 to 55 gallons in size, this one estimates 11.5 x 11.5 inches and has lift tubes on the sides, much like with each under rock channel. 
In the event that you have a planted tank, this one can be a decent decision since it doesn't hinder your fish and plants. 
The carbon channel cartridges as an afterthought can expel foul smell from plants while it likewise doesn't hinder valuable microscopic organisms in your aquarium. 
It tends to be ok for use in both freshwater and saltwater tanks. On the off chance that you don't care for additional upkeep or need a supplemental aquarium channel, this plate framework may work 
Things We Liked: 

Useful for planet tanks 
OK for freshwater and saltwater tanks 
Has carbon channel cartridges 
Incredible natural sifting 
Things We Didn't Like 
Needs power whenever utilized alone.
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04-13-2020, 06:42 PM,
larryalehman13 Offline

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RE: 2 filters for a 40 gallon tank?
Water and Wood New Underwater Air Driven Corner Filter: 

One more corner channel, this one has two-layer packs in one so you can put them in two spots in your tank. 

You can utilize the channel cushion at the top for mechanical filtration while the bio-wipe in the center, just as clay rings, can give biochemical filtration. 

Since it has different layers, you can likewise alter this channel to the way that you need the channel media to be set down. 

It likewise has clamor decrease properties with the pneumatic machine. It likewise has a low air pocket rate because of the pneumatic machine driving component. It is likewise simple to dismantle for fast cleaning at whatever point required. 
  • Things We Liked 
  • Simple to clean 
  • Arrives in a lot of 2 
  • Different layers of filtration 
  • Adaptable channel media plate 
  • Alright for planted tanks 
  • Things We Didn't Like 
  • Some filtration cushions may require manual slicing to fit 
    Aquaneat Aquarium Bio Sponge Filter: 
This bio wipe channel is an alternate rendition from the one we picked above – this one isn't intended for corners yet can be and  put anyplace. 

It is anything but difficult to set up with its own apparatuses included while the size can suit from 40 to 60 gallons of tanks. 

You can think that its spot on for fish that are little since it isn't too amazing to even consider sucking up fish. 

Instances of fish that might approve of this channel are guppies, killifish, and the smaller person cichlid. 

You can likewise utilize it for fry tanks and even raisers. It accompanies its arrangement of suction cups so it won't effectively leave when you put it on your tank. 

Things We Liked 

Conservative plan 

Doesn't suck up little fish 

Alright for axolotl tanks 

Useful for rearing tanks 

Simple to discover substitution wipes 

Things We Didn't Like 

The guidelines aren't sufficiently clear 

Interesting points 

In picking the best channel for a 40-gallon tank, here are a few criteria: 

For what reason would it be advisable for me to purchase a channel for a fish tank? 

A channel for a fish tank is significant with the goal that you don't change your tank water over and over again. Doing so can make it less irritating for your fish, particularly those that require marine conditions, for example, saltwater fish. 

On the off chance that your fish tank is kept up by a channel, at that point you don't need to do the task of changing the water time and again. 

Additionally, numerous channels likewise have organic channels, which rely upon helpful microbes that develop and gobble up green growth. This implies less probability of green growth stopping up your tank! 

How would I pick the best tank channel for 40 gallons? 

Kind of channel. The best sort for 40 gallons is a wipe channel since it isn't excessively expensive and carries out the responsibility fine for a medium-sized tank. The wipe channel is useful for its mechanical and natural filtration, given that you don't wash the wipe time after time to keep up the useful microbes. 

Different kinds of channels for different sizes could be: 

Hold tight back channel – best for medium to huge tanks. 

Canister channel – best for huge tanks and huge fish. 

Undergravel channel – perfect for little to medium tanks, just as planted tanks. 

Interior channel – incredible for generally medium to huge tanks. 

Sort of channel media. About a channel media can work fine and dandy on a little to the medium-sized tank. The best kind for 40 gallons would be any of the accompanying:
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