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Any Animal In The World As A Pet
03-12-2013, 12:37 PM,
4sweed Offline


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Any Animal In The World As A Pet
If you had the choice of having any animal in the world, wild or domestic, as a pet which animal would you choose? And why would you pick that animal? Tell me about this animal and how it might relate to you.

Personally, I have always been drawn to wolves. I know from having a half wolf/half husky, that they are somewhat withdrawn, but not shy, but not really friendly either. The mixture makes them trainable, as in sit and down commands, but the pure wolf would not be inclined to come when called or listen to my commands. His wild instints would call to him and the neighborhood might be up in arms when he started to howl. Though, I would love to hear that long drawn out mournful cry and tonches you deep inside.

I would give him some wild unforgetable name and I would hope we could bond in some fashion. And I would hate it if he had to be caged for it would break his spirit and I would be the one holding him back from being who he was mean't to be. So this idea of a wolf as a pet is just a childish thought, for I could not stand to see a wolf fade away from a broken heart, from not being in the forest and being totally free.

What animal would you choose and what reflections on that pick would you like to add? Please share it here.
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03-13-2013, 01:22 AM,
Rube Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
When I was a child I wanted to have a pet deer. I think that was after seeing Disney's Snow White, or maybe it was Bambi. If I owned a lot of land I would like to have deer grazing outside my window. I can see wild deer not very far from where I live, and I have been close to tame ones in various parks.

I just think they are beautiful animals. I know the bucks can be agressive towards each other, and I have heard of does trying to defend their young when approached, but most of the time deer are gentle and harmless creatures.
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03-13-2013, 11:14 AM,
suzjbibby Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
I've always wanted to have Capybaras, I'm very fond of guinea pigs and a capybara is very much like a gigantic guinea pig. I think they would make good pets in the right circumstances, they are reasonably intelligent and can be trained and are not high maintenance pets if things are set up right
If not Capybaras I would like to have a whole herd of guinea pigs able to roam free in a huge yard without the fear of predation.
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03-13-2013, 12:01 PM,
4sweed Offline


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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
We had a Capybaras, at the wildlife compound my husband's family owned. It was big and very gentle. He kept it in a pen because as you might know they like swimming and can stay under water for up to five minutes. Since our lake had big alligators in it we could not allow it to roam free much. So it was a daily chore to cut fresh grass and gather pond weeds for it to eat.

It was friendly, like a huge guinea pig. But due to it's feeding habits and need for a bigger ranging area we passed it on to another wildlife rescue place that had large fenced in grassy areas and a safe fenced in pond. This place had some hippo's too, and it seemed they got on well together sharing the pond.
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04-25-2013, 04:20 AM,
mariposa Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
I'd have to choose a white tiger. They are a mutant of the Bengal tiger (I was about to choose a Bengal or a Siberian Tiger until I remembered the white ones!) and they are beautiful. They don't exist in the wild though, because of the breeding issues that developed them... their story is very sad actually. But anyhow, with the way I love cats, my line of thinking is that the bigger the cat, the more there is to love. And yes, I definitely do see the flaw in that statement because I don't *think* tigers enjoy being cuddled like domesticated cats... but they sure are pretty! :-)
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05-05-2013, 11:45 PM,
sakee Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
I have always wanted a Spider Monkey. They just look so cute and can wrap around your finger. Now, this was when I was a kid that I first wanted one. I might think twice about this now because where would it come from? Most likely it would be taken out of the wild, and that is just not fair to do. But if we are just pretending, that is my choice.
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05-31-2013, 12:38 AM,
ReneLeBeau Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
This might be a disappointing answer, but I've always just wanted a cat Big Grin Ever since I was little, cats were fascinating to me. They always seemed a lot more beautiful and graceful than dogs, and people have always associated them with magic, and I just love magic! My favorite kind were regular alley black cats, since most superstition revolves around them. And whenever I saw a show, or read a book, or just saw a picture with someone and a cat, it always seemed like they have a special relationship. The cat wasn't needy and demanding, he was kind of cool. After I read the Harry Potter books, I kind of wanted an owl, but I got back to cats very quickly.
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08-07-2013, 01:55 AM,
midnightrider Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
I know this is a little outlandish but I've always wanted a brown bear. Ever since I read the book Gentle Ben when I was a child I've always thought a bear would make an excellent companion. Obviously I wouldn't actually keep one if the opportunity arose, but its an enticing day dream none the less. I've always preferred predatory animals just because I find their demeanour much easier to understand and work with. A bear would be truly something to own, I can imagine taking walks through the woods together, fishing in the stream, and napping in long grass in the high afternoon sun . Any time I see a person online or on television working with a bear I always feel very jealous of them, it must be a truly wonderful experience to be able to bond with such an amazing creature.
I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars.
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08-07-2013, 09:51 AM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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Question  RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
From the time I can remember there were two animals that I desperately wanted to have. The first one was a horse, and I did finally convince my parents to get me a pony. The second thing that I wanted was a little monkey.
Back in the early to mid-50s, when I was little, spider monkeys were advertised on the back covers of comic books, and they only cost $19, plus shipping, to get one. I don't know where they came from, if they were caught wild and transported, o r maybe they were do,serially raised since so many of them were sold.
My mother adamantly refused to let me have a monkey, even if it was much cheaper than a horse.
I used to watch theTarzan movies, and he always had Cheetah, the Chimpanzee; who was ever so clever, and almost like a little child in his devotion to Tarzan.
Now, they are thousands of dollars to buy one, and you have to have special licenses, and I am sure it would not be the wonderful pet that I imagined when I was a child, so it will be just an enjoyable daydream.
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08-16-2013, 05:29 AM,
bluekittymama Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
Do I have to pick one? Neither of my choices would really be possible or fair to the animal. I've always loved sloths. Maybe the idea of all that sleeping appeals to me - being so still that you actually grow moss. Their little faces are just adorable to me.

The other animal is an owl. We have a wildlife rehab center nearby that specializes in owls, hawks and other birds of prey. The owls are so beautiful. I've always found them fascinating, the way they can fly so silently and hunt in the dark. I wouldn't ever actually own either of these animals since I would never want to take them out of their wild, natural environment - but if it were somehow possible those would be my two "pets."
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09-01-2013, 08:19 PM,
MariaPamela Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
This is pretty out there but if I could have any pet in the world, I would have a pet elephant! They are so cute! They are also really smart. Although, it would probably better if they would stay baby elephants forever.

Another animal I would really want as a pet is either a walrus or a dolphin! Imagine you have a giant pool in your house and you've got dolphins swimming around. You can pay to swim with dolphins at some water parks but imagine being able to do so in your own back yard!
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10-07-2013, 04:59 PM,
ohiotom76 Offline


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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
I would love to have some sort of pet Lemur. They look so funny and emotive - especially their eyes. I also love Meerkats, for similar reasons - I'm a huge fan of Meerkat Manor.

If I was able to live in the proper area comfortably - I would also love to live among penguins. They crack me up and are so full of personality.
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12-05-2013, 11:05 PM,
dickybird Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
If I could have any animal as a pet I would choose a tiger and a polar bear. When my dog was a pup he looked like a baby polar bear, and they look so comfy to snuggle up to. Whenever I was feeling rubbish I would go and hug it and it could give me some warmth. After watching the film, Life of Pi I really want a Tiger like Richard Parker. Although I would prefer it to be a lot more friendlier. I would want both animals to be loyal to me, and protect my home and my family.
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08-23-2014, 06:21 AM,
jen_j_26 Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
If I could have any pet in the world, I think I would want either a coyote, a fox, an owl, a crow or raven, or a wallaby or kangaroo. Or some sort of big cat. Of course I would have to know that it was safe to have the pet(s), I would never own a dangerous or wild animal just because I "could". It would need to be safe for all of us, and I would need to have the proper habitat available for the animal.
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08-23-2014, 09:42 PM,
evelynmcgregor Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
I have always been intrigued by lemurs, but not just any lemur. I want one of the little tiny ones, the pygmy mouse lemur. They are just so cute.
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08-24-2014, 08:02 AM,
MindyT Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
Well, I thought I knew my answer, but after reading everyone else's replies, I can not make up my mind! My very first answer was a black panther. I love my black cat. She is so beautiful, and I thought it would be awesome to have a bigger version of her, and of course, a more wild version of her! Then I read the post about the baby elephants and the kangaroos. They are so cute too! I would never want to own a penguin though. They stink!
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08-24-2014, 09:27 AM,
sbnufc Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
It's completely impractical and ludicrous, but a giraffe Big Grin

I've always liked them, ever since I was a child. Just the way they're built, the way they look, the way they move/run.. it's always amused me and to have one of my own would be great. That said, I have no idea what the keeping of a giraffe would entail, but it's all fantasy anyway, right? So that doesn't matter.
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09-15-2014, 10:20 PM,
helaofthenorns Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
Hmmm... I always dreamed of owning an elephant, tiger, and a lion. I want an elephant because they are very intelligent and gentle animals. I am amazed by them when a herd (?) passes by a skeleton of a dead elephant and they stop to pay their respects. That is intelligence and much like the characteristics of human beings already. I also want a lion and tiger because I love big cats. They are very cuddly. Imagine if there is an intruder in your house and they see that instead of a dog, you have a guard lion or a tiger, right? That would be interesting. Hahaha.
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06-02-2016, 04:32 AM,
CatCuddler57 Offline
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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
If I could have any wild animal as a pet it would be a long fin mako shark. I love sharks but makos are my favorite. Short fin makos are more common and I love them too. But there have only been two long fin makos ever tagged for science and one of them off the coast of Cuba. I just love the sharp lines of their bodies with the long pectoral fins and even caudal fin. They are the fastest shark on earth and are primarily fish eaters. Their skin has the dark blue on the top that goes into a nice silvery light blue that is gorgeous. There has been studies that show that they are probably the smartest shark and can learn to recognize shapes to earn rewards. They are a little more evolved than most sharks because they can learn that something isn't going to harm them and act beyond instinct. I just think they are gorgeous and beautiful creatures. I would probably live on the beach and let it come visit me when it's not hunting since they are pelagic creatures.
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06-03-2016, 07:03 AM,
Corzhens Offline


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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
My father was a horse trainer so it is apparently the horse for me, I mean a smaller horse. But that was impossible when I was a girl because we lived in a city apartment. But if we had a house on a big property, perhaps my dream would have been fulfilled because we had 2 race horses at that time, however, they were in a rented stable in the ranch.

When I married and lived in my husband's ancestral home, a block away was a hospital owned by a doctor who lived just beside that hospital. There I saw a gilr of about 12 with a little horse for a pet. The horse was white so it is very cute and nice to pet. I always see the girl either feeding the horse or walking it around they big yard. Until now, it is still a horse for me... that's aside from the dogs, of course.
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06-03-2016, 12:19 PM,
maxen57 Offline


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RE: Any Animal In The World As A Pet
I personally would love to have dolphins as pets. I will live near the beach or an island and the ocean will be its natural habitat. It would be best for them to live where they ought to be and I'll be visiting them daily. Besides, I won't have to worry about where to buy their food since the ocean will provide it unlimited sustenance and there will be no need for vet visits because it's unlikely they'll get sick in their environment. Of course, there will always be a risk for them getting into danger but I'd rather than they are free to roam the outside world than be confined in an enclosure.
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