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Can your pet open doors?
06-14-2012, 04:56 AM,
HK86 Offline
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Can your pet open doors?
My dad has a cat called Ralph. He's mainly white with tabby blotches, and he's sooo stupid Tongue we love him to bits but he's a total idiot.

He does this cute thing with a door that he wants to go through which is slightly ajar. Our other cats have always been able to hook their paws round the door and pull it open. Not Ralph! If the door is ajar, he puts both his paws on it, and pushes it shut. He's a big fat boy as well haha, so it properly clicks closed. And then he looks at you, like 'so? what now?'

Do other people's animals do this?!
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06-14-2012, 08:46 PM,
tajnz Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
I've always wondered if there were cats that couldn't open their own cat doors! My cats never had any trouble .. in fact occasionally I would find neighbours cats in my living room who had successfully used our cat door.

One of my friends had trouble teaching her cat to use its cat door and she'd sometimes find it sitting outside the door when she got home. She had to train it with treats to use the door.
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06-14-2012, 10:28 PM,
Ram Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
Beyond mammals, I don't think any other pets are capable of open a door due to physical limitation.
My fish for example, they will never be able to open a door even if I want them to. Big Grin
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06-15-2012, 12:40 PM,
TreeClimber Offline


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RE: Can your pet open doors?
My dog cannot open doors, though I would not put it passed her. My sister's Australian Shepherd used to jump up and hit the handle of the back screen door. She would let herself outside.
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06-15-2012, 05:33 PM,
Karenskatz Offline


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RE: Can your pet open doors?
My first cat was all looks and no brains too. He couldn't figure out that a door that swung away from him and was sitting an inch open could be nosed open. The stray girl I took in as a companion for him had all the brains he lacked. The door to my room at the time didn't latch but sort of stuck shut. She figured that if she hooked her claws under the door and pulled up (sort of "plucked" at the door) she could jiggle the door loose and open it.
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06-15-2012, 07:01 PM,
Victor Leigh Offline


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RE: Can your pet open doors?
My cats are not good at opening doors. Maybe that's because the door is too heavy for them. Or maybe they find it easier to just go out by climbing up to the rafters and passing through the gaps between the roof and the wall. That works for the big ones. The small ones will have to wait for me to open the door for them. Sometimes, they just sit around the front door facing out. That's when I know they want to go out.
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06-16-2012, 04:44 AM,
laurasav Offline


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RE: Can your pet open doors?
Out of the six cats we have had, three have been very adept at opening doors. I hate cats in my closet, getting fur on my clothes, so we had to figure out how to keep them from opening the sliding glass doors. I came up with a hook and yarn closure to keep the doors from being opened by little paws.
The best story I have of one of our cats was my first cat, an anniversary present from my hubby, who liked opening the guest bathroom door, which was a sliding pocket door. We had an exchange student and her first night in the house, she used the guest bathroom. While on the toilet, the door suddenly started to open and she was terrified she was in a pervert's house, when she noticed it was just the cat being nosy. She kept the door locked after that whenever she used it!
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06-19-2012, 05:57 AM,
andrew320 Offline


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RE: Can your pet open doors?
Yes, both cats can open doors. No matter how heavy the door is or how narrow it is, they can both open them. Unfortunately, they can't open door when it's fully closed. They both like to sit in the kitchen cupboards, but since they are always closed, they are out of luck.
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06-20-2012, 08:43 AM,
laurasav Offline


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RE: Can your pet open doors?
andrew, that reminds me! My Tonkinese can open any cupboard door. The cupboards are always kept closed, but he can open them at will. When I won't let him come into the computer/parrot/exercise room with me, he often throws temper tantrums and slams the kitchen cupboards open & closed. We have one cupboard in another room we keep extra parrot and cat toys in. We have to keep a chair against the cupboard door to keep him from dragging everything out! He's a very naughty boy!
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08-17-2012, 05:10 PM,
kamel1984 Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
Yes my dog can open doors only when it's ajar. She pushes the door with her nose and would squeeze her way in, it’s so cute. When the door it fully closed, she would sit there and whine by the door. When you ignore her whining she won’t stop she would just get louder until you get annoyed and open the door.
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08-22-2012, 06:59 PM,
ohiotom76 Offline


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RE: Can your pet open doors?
Yes, my coonhound mix used to be able to do it on a rare occasion. However I never directly saw her doing it, but I'm guessing she maybe was able to bite the knob and turn her head or something like that.
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08-26-2012, 10:19 AM,
footballtim Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
There is no way a cat can physically open our only door to our apartment. However, our two year old Bengal sometimes tries to pull the latch, then turn the door knob. Even though I know she will not be able to physically open the door, it still makes me want to have the lock turned into a deadbolt that you can only open with a key.
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08-30-2012, 05:01 AM,
jester23 Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
How our dog is, if the door is slightly cracked open or to a point where it could be opened even further, what our dog likes to do is pull the door to where it opens for my dog. If the door is closed shut, my dog likes to go ahead and bark to try and gain entry. Other than that, my dog cannot open a closed door.
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06-08-2013, 05:14 AM,
ReneLeBeau Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
They can both easily open a door that isn't fully closed. They don't encounter fully closed door often (except for the door to the apartment, which is also locked all the time), and I don't think they could open them, but I have seen them jump at the door knobs, so maybe it's just a matter of time...
They can also open cupboard doors, especially if they're a bit old and looser. We don't have a cat door, but they probably wouldn't have a problem with that either. (It's actually a bit strange for me to imagine a cat that does Smile )
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07-12-2013, 01:40 PM,
Amalia Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
(06-14-2012, 04:56 AM)HK86 Wrote: My dad has a cat called Ralph. He's mainly white with tabby blotches, and he's sooo stupid Tongue we love him to bits but he's a total idiot.

He does this cute thing with a door that he wants to go through which is slightly ajar. Our other cats have always been able to hook their paws round the door and pull it open. Not Ralph! If the door is ajar, he puts both his paws on it, and pushes it shut. He's a big fat boy as well haha, so it properly clicks closed. And then he looks at you, like 'so? what now?'

Do other people's animals do this?!

Awww, he sound so cute and helpless Smile My cats could open pretty much anything, doors, gates, lids, windows, whatever. They developed many strategies in time and sometimes they work together! One of them pulls the door and the others go in. They are so cute to look at! I need to get some video cams around the house to film them 24/7, the things I would see...
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08-15-2013, 04:23 AM,
intothebleach Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
Carling can, we had to change the door handles to the round ones because he kept letting himself into our bedroom and sleeping on the bed. I didn't mind him doing it but Guinness decided to play football on it one night and also decided she was going to dig up the mattress. We came up the stairs after a long hard shift working in the pub to be greeted by half the bed sheet down the stairs. Thankfully she hadn't damaged the duvet or pillows but the mattress was ruined! We told her off and she just walked back in the room, picked up the football gave us the look and walked off!
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08-15-2013, 12:35 PM,
Silverwolve Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
Whenever I am about to walk my dog, he likes to get up on two legs with his two front paws on the door. He then proceeds to muzzle the doorknob and then look at me waiting for me to open it. He knows that is where the door opens from, but he has no way of turning it. One time however, I left my dog roam free while I went to the store. When I came back, I couldn't get into my apartment, had to call maintenance to break into my own apartment. Turns out my dog had figured out how to lock doors. At some point while I was gone, he must've heard a noise outside. Doing his usual routine of front paws on the door, he must've accidentally (or who knows, maybe intentionally) locked the second lock. It was a weird exchange with the maintenance crew telling them my dog had locked me out.
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08-15-2013, 08:37 PM,
Writer E Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
This is a little different, but I have a chinchilla that has been known to open his cage door. I found this out a few years ago when I had someone pet sitting for me. He said that he had to catch Honeyboy a couple of times and return him to his cage. I thought at first that maybe my pet sitter didn't latch the door completely. Then I saw for myself how this sneaky rodent shook the door until it unlatched. Since then, I have added clip locks to his cage door. He hasn't figured those out (yet).
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08-18-2013, 10:30 AM,
cg303 Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
My dog knows how to open the arcadia glass door. I know it seems odd but if it is left unlock he will jump up and use his mouth to slide it open and walk right in . I didn't believe it at first when my kids would tell me . But than I saw him do it a couple of times . He is one sneaky dog for sure.
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08-18-2013, 02:50 PM,
alycat32 Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
That's hilarious!

Our cat Boba opens the cupboards and climbs inside to knock over food if we are not moving quick enough to feed her. Sometimes we will be trying to sleep at night and we hear banging and think someone broke into the house. Nope!its just Boba. She opened the cabinet under the bathroom sink but could t push it open enough to STAY open to get back out. She'd push it and it would smack shut again with an obnoxious noise.
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12-04-2013, 11:22 AM,
lildoge Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
(06-14-2012, 04:56 AM)HK86 Wrote: My dad has a cat called Ralph. He's mainly white with tabby blotches, and he's sooo stupid Tongue we love him to bits but he's a total idiot.

He does this cute thing with a door that he wants to go through which is slightly ajar. Our other cats have always been able to hook their paws round the door and pull it open. Not Ralph! If the door is ajar, he puts both his paws on it, and pushes it shut. He's a big fat boy as well haha, so it properly clicks closed. And then he looks at you, like 'so? what now?'

Do other people's animals do this?!

Maybe he thinks it's not his job to open the door! He pushes it shut and looks up at you like "Now do it right this time, human slave!" ;D

We have a door to the basement (my parents' cat kind of goes anywhere he wants, he sleeps in the basement, spends the day outside and evenings curled up on the couch) and the door doesn't quite shut right so you have to push on it to make sure it's actually closed.

If it isn't though, and sometimes if it is, Louie will run his paw under the door and try to push it open. I don't think he's used the doorknob before, but I'm pretty sure one of the cats we had before him did.
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12-05-2013, 03:55 PM,
retaer3 Offline

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RE: Can your pet open doors?
My cat can open the door, but my dog can't.My lovely stupid dog.
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12-05-2013, 06:40 PM,
pftsusan Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
You see, that's why dogs have owners and cats are the owners. Cats will go around rubbing to own everything. Once they can figure out how to open the kitchen cabinet doors, they do.
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01-07-2014, 06:01 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-07-2014, 06:03 AM by Audsauce.)
Audsauce Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
My cat has a serious hatred for closed doors. Our bedroom door was installed improperly, and so she can open it even when its locked! On the other had, our roommate's bedroom door actually works, so when Jane can't get it open, she sits outside and cries. It usually works, so I suppose that technically counts as opening a door. :p She uses the same technique for getting the bathroom door open. Even two minutes of closed door for private bathroom time is too much for Jane.

In the past, she has always opened doors buy putting her paw underneath the door and pulling. But the other day, I caught her playing with the doorknob! I think she's sick of there being doors in the house that she can't open. It was unnervingly clever. I feel like it's only a matter of time now until she takes over the world.
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02-03-2016, 05:51 AM,
thash1979 Offline
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RE: Can your pet open doors?
I have a 7 year old Great Dane that is the size of a small horse. This dog is too smart for his own good. He can not only open the backdoor to let himself out, but he can manage to open it back up! He can also turn on one of the faucets in the laundry room where he is tall enough to drink from the spout. It a door is just pulled shut, he uses his nose to nudge it until it comes open. In the middle of the night he does this, and makes me think we are getting robbed!
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