Definitely a pet owner for me. Don't get me wrong, I love my pets as much as anybody else loves their's, but I just don't like it when a person refers to their animals as their babies. The term that seems to be banded about a lot these days is 'fur babies' and it really does make me cringe. We can treat them as well as our babies and children if we want, but it's just the fact that people are actually saying they are their babies makes me feel uneasy for some reason?
Here in the UK there also seems to be a fashion going around now that people are buying little prams for their dogs and cats, and instead of taking them for a walk, they push them around instead. I don't know who thinks of these things and while us humans might think it looks cute, it does make me wonder hat the actual animal itself is thinking. If animals could speak, I have a funny feeling that they'd tell us exactly where to go a lot of the time. you know, as we're putting their little coats on, calling them baby and tucking them into their prams...
Animals need to be treated as animals in my opinion, and that doesn't mean you can't show them any love and affection because you can, I just mean that if we're talking about a dog for example, it's a pack animal and you the oner should be seen as the head of the pack, the dogs master, and calling it baby and dressing it up, isn't exactly showing the animal who's boss now is it?