Some pets can be dangerous. There are myriads of cases where an erstwhile docile pet morphed into a Frankestein monster as a result of undue stress, illness or simply the fact that the pet is dangerous around people and therefore has to be handled with due caution. I have heard of cases of dogs turning against children and causing grievous injuries. There are also instances galore where a pet owner enthralled by the cute young one of an animal decided to rear it into adulthood without changing his approach with regard to handling it. The animal then pounces on the master and makes him an easy kill. I suppose, the fact that we love pets should not blind up to the fact that at the end of the day, they are animals and we should strive to understand their sensibilities and proclivities. Not offending dogs by pulling their tails for instance and teaching kids on the same issue. However, there is a danger of paranoia here. These cases are rare and far betweed but they do exist. I suppose, paralysing darts should be handy when handling some pets in case things turn awry. But with experience, everything should work out fine.