I was wondering if someone knows how to deal with my problem. My family has had a cat (f) for over 10 years and we just got a kitten about 6 months ago (not from our older cat.) The old cat has gone through a complete personalitychange since we brought in the new one - we almost do not recognize her as the sweet cat she used to be. She really hates the new cat, and she has even begun becoming agressive towards me and my familymembers.
So to you who know:
Is this just a phase? Will she get used to the new cat? Is there something that we can do?
Deyvion, this is a common problem, as as did Jaimie, I will share a little.
When I was younger, we had a great cat, & my folks adopted a sweet Cocker & we wondered how it may play out. The cat had also changed a bit yet it didn't take long before they realized they must co-exist, & they got along quite well from that point on.
And all I know from others that have dealt with this, they too all worked out, so your best ally right now, is time.....