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What interesting things has your cat destroyed
10-18-2014, 04:15 PM,
kfander Offline


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What interesting things has your cat destroyed
I expect that every cat owner will have a long list of things that their cats have destroyed over the years.

Let me start with yesterday. My wife's cat (please note that, in this instance, she is my wife's cat), who is the young one, just short of a year old, likes to climb, as most cats do when they are young enough to do that.

Yesterday, she decided she needed to be on the top shelf of my floor-to-ceiling bookcase. She had been up there before so I knew she could do it, but this time she decided she needed more room.

I watched her do it, but couldn't stop her in time. I have a few of the old glass insulators that they used to use on power lines, and one of them was sitting on my bookcase.

Well, she didn't bump it. I was watching her, and she deliberately pushed it off of the bookcase onto our printer-scanner that was sitting on a table directly below the bookcase, shattering the glass on the printer.

It couldn't be clearer that she couldn't have cared less. She did it on purpose, she would do it again, and she has no idea what all the unnecessary yelling was about.
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10-19-2014, 01:39 PM,
Danyel72 Offline
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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
We have 2 cats and one is older and really just likes to relax and sleep all day. Smile The other is young and loves to do really anything he can to make things difficult for us. Smile I adore him, he has a very strong personality and can be quite the bully to say the least.

There are a few things that are his favorites to destroy.... he loves to bite my fancy pillows, LOVES to try and bite my husbands cords under his desk ( which is where he earns a living for us all!) and he adores running as fast as kitty possible down the hallway and onto my bed, where he proceeds to jump on all my pillows on the bed!!!

Remind you, also fancy pillows, and the bed that I just carefully made. Smile

Oh Wasabi.... I LOVE you !!!

Danyel Smile
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10-20-2014, 09:22 AM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
I don't have any cats anyore becasue my husband doesn't like cats; but before we got married, I have had cats pretty much all of my life. I dont' think that I had a cat that was really destructive, although they did accidently knock things over and such as that.
My daughter had two cats, named Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. They looked exactly alike and she was the only one who could tell them apart, and I still don'tknow how she did it.
One weekend she was down visiting me, kitty cats and all (of course), and I was knitting as we were sitting on the couch and visiting. All of a sudden Tweedle Dee (or perhaps Tweedle Dum, who knows? ) pounced on my ball of yarn and had chased it halfway across the room before we could stop her, tangling that yarn all over everything.
I had to gather it up and untangle it, and the next time she came close to the ball of yarn, I thimped her on the nose with my knitting needle !
Needless to say, my daughter was very upset, and you would have thought I did something terrible to that cat.
However, after that she didn't pounce on my ball of yarn anymore....
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10-20-2014, 07:43 PM,
Kwriter93 Offline

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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
Hahaha! This seriously had me laughing out loud, I'm so sorry. It just reminds me of my cat, I know exactly what you mean when you say she pushed it off. My cat loves to get up on high surfaces and knock things off. My husband and I leave our wedding rings on our bar counter every night to let our fingers breathe and my cat has actually gotten up there and just casually swept them into the floor.

Now for the things my cat has destroyed, he doesn't have much of a list, but he did destroy his burlap mouse cat toy. It was a little stuffed toy on the end of a string. My cat flattened the mouse and pulled out the cotton in almost no time. What's strange about this, you may ask? My cat is de-clawed, he did this all with his teeth..
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10-21-2014, 04:06 AM,
kfander Offline


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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
(10-20-2014, 07:43 PM)Kwriter93 Wrote: Now for the things my cat has destroyed, he doesn't have much of a list, but he did destroy his burlap mouse cat toy. It was a little stuffed toy on the end of a string. My cat flattened the mouse and pulled out the cotton in almost no time. What's strange about this, you may ask? My cat is de-clawed, he did this all with his teeth..

I had a kitty that I took in as a feral adult, after having fed her as an outside kitty for years. At 23 years old, she was still an avid toy player. She would sometimes collect all the cat toys in the house, including things that we didn't know were cat toys (slippers, socks, pens, etc.), and pile them in one place, as if to claim them as her own.

When I bought her a new toy, her test of suitability was that the first thing she would do, before even batting it around, was to sit down and see if she could tear it apart. If she could, her expression was the equivalent of saying, "Well, that's not going to work."
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10-23-2014, 02:32 PM,
sillylucy Offline
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I can relate to this post! My cats have destroyed a whole leather couch, an ottoman and they even took down the blinds. Right now I have a kitten who loves to rip through my screens. She climbs on them and she is chubby so she pulls the whole screen down. It is such a pain to have to put them back together and I am so embarrassed when company comes over. These cats are running the show here!
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12-07-2014, 07:03 PM,
Dimzin Offline

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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
Headphones, Headphones, More headphones, Couches, Hardwood floors, Lamps, Christmas Ornaments, Annnnnd my life...
J/K about my life..I think life would be kinda boring w/out having them tear around the house after one another and seeing who's going to be in charge from one day to the next.. We've got 5 and an English Mastiff thats kinda scared of all of them.
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12-08-2014, 11:59 AM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
When I was living in Idaho, and had to haul my water home in 55 gallon drums (in the summer); I also had a beautiful calico Persian cat that I just loved. She was actually a well-behaved cat, and what she did certainly upset me (terribly); but she was actually not being destructive.
In the winter time, it was too cold to haul water home, so when I got home from work, I would shovel snow into 5-gallon buckets, haul them into the house, and fill up my bathtub heaping full of snow.
Overnight, the snow would melt, and I had water to wash, brush my teeth, and the rest was used to flush the toilet. The system worked fine.

At least it worked fine until the night that I filled the bathtub up with the snow, and my Callie Cat came in, happily jumped into the snow, and went to the bathroom !!
You must know that the very first thing that came into my mind was all the days I had been brushing my TEETH with that melted snow water ! !
After I got over being horrified, I made a fast decsion that my wash water would come from a different tub of snow that was not accessible to the cat.
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01-09-2015, 02:54 AM,
DancingLady Offline
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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
My family's cat selected a cross board on the picknick table as her scratching post. There was no deterring her, she decided that that was the best place to sharpen her claws and did so very, very frequently. She was quite the little hunter so of course she had to keep her claws in tip top sharp condition. She pretty much wore right through that board after a while and my dad had to replace it. She didn't like the new one, thank goodness, I guess because it wasn't aged or something. She moved on to a rail post on the deck, same story with that board.
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02-11-2015, 01:06 PM,
PriscillaKing Offline
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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
Outdoor cats don't destroy things so much...but...I am not making this up: One year two young cats living with me found a picture book called "The Haunted Birdhouse" (it was haunted by a bat) in the shed, and they pawed through the book several times, not tearing it, but paw-printing it. Another year, one of those cats' granddaughter found a book by Dave Barry--I don't think it was even one that contained an anti-cat joke--and clawed the covers. Repeatedly. Of course, either or both of their selections *could* have been a coincidence. I guess. Maybe.
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02-18-2015, 02:11 PM,
PrideKidd Offline
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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
This is a good one, My cat Tinkerbell is destructive when she does not get what she wants. ( Kind of like Daddy Tongue ) Last year one one of the best though. I had just come home from a very rough day at work and she wanted to be all up in my face. I petted her for a few moments then put her down. She proceeds to talk over to my drink, stick one paw in, and tip it over, all the while looking directly at me.
This would have not been so bad had my cell phone not been sitting in the path of my drink. lol.
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07-08-2015, 03:09 PM,
Shihtzufan Offline
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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
Let's see!

My cat has destroyed more iPhone cords than I care to count. For some reason, those skinny white cords are his favorite thing to chew. He likes other cords too, but the iPhone chargers are his favorite by far. He's also chewed books, mail, and he is fascinated by anything plastic. We actually have to be quite careful, because if we leave any plastic bags around, or plastic packaging material (bubble wrap for instance) he will chew it up, swallow it, and make himself sick.

We're super cautious of this and hide away all our plastic bags for that very reason.
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07-14-2015, 11:42 AM,
niightwind Offline
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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
I must be pretty lucky, because I don't have a whole lot of items my cat has destroyed on me! The only things that my cat really goes after are strings and cords. I need to be very careful with my chargers, because she's bitten into several of them and I've gone through at least 8 replacement cords because of her. My Beats headphones came with a really sturdy cord, but she got at it when I wasn't looking and bit right through it. I have gotten replacement cords for it but they were all thinner, and she got at those easily enough. I'm worried she's going to electrocute herself doing that someday, but she doesn't go after cords that are plugged in to the wall, only ones plugged into the computer. I can't leave anything dangling off my desk especially or she sees that as easy prey.

There was also a time when I was looking after my friend's kitten for a few days, and she clawed my bedding up. I ended up having to get rid of that quilt because she had shredded so much. She was just a kitten though, so I didn't really mind that much.
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08-12-2015, 09:46 PM,
Susan Offline
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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
I am sure you have all heard the excuse, "My dog ate my homework." Well in the case of my grand daughter she had to go to school and tell the teacher, "My grammie's cat ate my homework." My cat, Merle, loves to rip paper. He will sit there and do it for hours so you have to be very careful about what falls on the floor. If the paper is on the floor then he figures that it is his. She finished her homework and then sat in on top her book bag which was on the floor and went to bed. When she got up the next morning and went to pack up her bag, she found her homework completely ripped to shreds. She actually brought it to school that way to show the teacher. I guess they all had a pretty big laugh about it.
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11-11-2015, 01:20 PM,
AnimalObsessedGirl Offline

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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
my cat DJ is one of the most destructive one of my four cats. he shreds my posters, my art work drawings, my homework, my draft documents for my writing, my moms taxes. he has chewed a few holes in my pillow cases. he's destroyed a few of my dream catchers. destroyed my 3d model that was part of my homework. he has on purpose knock my phone off the counter (I watched him do it, it cost 300 dollars to fix my phone) he had knocked down the small solar panel for the solar light strand on my porch. and he has knocked my hamster cage off its stand. chewed so many bungee cords (trying to get to my hamsters, he is very persistent) had to replace so many screens for my windows (he somehow learned to hang off them outside) ive lost count on how much stuff hes destroyed. but I love my cat. HeartHeartHeartHeart
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05-09-2016, 08:19 PM,
maxen57 Offline


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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
Back when my grandmother was still alive, she has three cats of her own. They're always in the kitchen waiting for a handout but the good thing about it is that the place became mouse free so no matter how annoying they could get, we still let them hang around the place. Now these cats are not your mellow type ones. They tend to fight each other and would make a lot of noise from time to time, especially on the roof. I thought that's the only time they're going to be a nuisance but no, two of them started playing with the loose ends of my shawl that as just sitting on the sofa. I caught them red handed, scratching it and stretching on it until it's an ugly mess of runs and tears. They've also ruined my mom's wooden table by treating it as a scratching pole. Cats can be real swell but I think my grandmother's are the exception.
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05-29-2016, 09:16 PM,
Novelangel Offline
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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
I think sometimes cats enjoy certain sounds, like my girl has an affinity to the noise of her claws on drywall. (Ugh) She also likes to hear the flapper thingie on the air conditioner clacking away. She will climb the bookshelf and stand on top of it just to bat at that flapper so she can hear it clack. She'll look at me while doing it and I swear that cat will be smiling. So, perhaps your cat likes the sound of glass shattering and has no idea why you don't enjoy it too. In my kitty's case, she destroyed one corner of an automan in our living room and then when the stuffing came out she didn't like the feel of it on her paws anymore. I finally got tired of seeing it that way, so I patched it with a (sort of) matching piece of cloth. She is now in the process of destroying that, so I can't win. When I give her a toy, she will look it all over, appreciate it with her eyes and nose, and then she will proceed to make it 'her own' by biting little holes into it or by breaking it in some little way. She did that with an old tote bag that she seemed to like, so I gave it to her. She understood that it was hers and immediately made little tooth marks in every corner of the bag. Once that was done, she never damaged it again. It was like, "there. I signed my name. Now it's mine." I gave her a scratching post/cat toy combo recently, and the first thing she did was rip one of the two fluffy toy balls from its elastic cord at the top of the post. It was much more fun to play with as a rolling ball rather than a swinging one, thank you very much. A few days later, she had the other fluffy ball ripped off as well, so I just removed the elastic cords from the toy altogether and now she's quite happy with it. Apparently those silly dangling balls just got in her way when she wanted to scratch at the post, so she 'fixed' it.
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05-29-2016, 11:41 PM,
remnant Offline


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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
Cats are generally disciplined animals and are also somehow shy and conservative. The only problem is that they tend to be climbers which is an integral character of the cat family. Their tendency to scale the walls of houses leaves precious souvenirs in danger of falling to the ground and breaking and there are cases galore with regard to this. Personally, I have not had a serious instance of a feline destroying something in my house but I have a vague remembrance of cats spilling food in the house creating a messy inconvenience. Most people experience more scandals when dealing with their canine counterparts. There are cases where puppies have emerged from people's bedrooms with innerware hanging from their mouth in the full prescence of visitors! One should assume innocence on the part of the animal since they have a primitive conscience and aren't capable of premeditated sin.
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11-27-2020, 08:33 AM,
EmmaWilliam Offline
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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
My first cat ruined our couch. I had to put a slipcover on it because she just keeps scratching every part of it
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02-19-2021, 08:45 PM,
HemmyngsKylee Offline
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RE: What interesting things has your cat destroyed
When I tried to give the pills to my cats, they scratched the new leather sofa. One of the cats messed up my wireless headphones and I still don't know which one.
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