(07-23-2012, 02:54 AM)mora2000 Wrote: He is in there with 2 other fish. I'll see if I can get him some more tankmates. I have algae growing on the glass of my tank and the gravel. I know that he won't eat all of it, and I scrub some of it of during water changes.
With 2 other fish isn't going to help.
School fish need to be in a group of their own species, and you need minimal 5~6 for Otocinclus Catfish.
You can't relay on fish to clean the glass for you.
The algae on the glass should be cleaned with an algae scraper. You can also use this kind of magnetic aquarium cleaner.
If you have lots of algae covering your gravel, then you must fix the cause. Is your fish tank near a window? Sunlight can cause algae boom, thus no fish tank should be near a window. We have covered this in an article about the location to set up an aquarium.
Do you have aquarium lights? How many hours do you turn it on every day? It is the best you use an automatic timer to turn the lights on for no more than 12 hours a day. (aim for 10 hours usually).
How often do you do water change? You have to lower nitrate through weekly water change.