If I had the space, the money and the time I would have one. However, I have no backyard. I live in Chicago in a tiny apartment. I work as a nurse and almost all the money I have goes into paying for living and paying for my bird. If I had an aviary, I would keep lovebirds. I own an Opaline peachfaced lovebird right now. I feel like he would be much happier if he had lots of friends. Lovebirds are incredibly social, I feel a little guilty for keeping only one. Unfortunately, I don't have the space or money to care for many birds. I would also have a hard time selling the birds in my aviary... I get so attached to animals that it gets tough to give them away. I fostered puppies a while back... when adoption time came I was so sad. So, if I had an aviary I would just keep them for myself, maybe try to promote bird education and invite others to come see them.