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Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
04-25-2012, 09:27 PM,
Ram Offline
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Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
Some people let their cats sleeping with them.
Would you let your cat sleeping in your bed with you?
Besides the hygiene issues, one major concern is if the cat gets too close, and the much bigger heavier human might crash the cat in the sleep. I have heard the story of someone crashed her pet parrot by accident when they were sleeping in the same bed.
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04-26-2012, 06:36 PM,
Karenskatz Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
A parrot is a lot lighter than a cat. You roll over on a cat, and they will scramble out of the way as fast as they can. You're also more conscious they are there. Due to mild allergies, I try to keep them out of my bedroom. That's not always possible, though. My first cat would want to play during the night. Just as i was falling asleep he would drop a toy in my face. Fortunatly, he knew how to fetch so I could just lay there and throw it until he got tired and quit. As he grew into adulthood he let me sleep more, but sometimes he would curl up along my stomach, on top of the covers. After I got him a companion, I would be pinned down by twenty pounds of cat; one curled in my stomach and one in the crook of my legs (except in the winter wnen the second one deserted me for the radiator.) After my first cat died his companion got the choice space along my stomach or back. But she would lay on top of the covers and then LEAN on me. In my sleep I would naturally move away from this pressure. I would wake up in the middle of the night to find I had been moved over onto half of the bed. Later, I adopted a 15 year old cat with hyperthyroid condition, which made her quite skinny. She liked to crawl under the covers for the warmth. About an hour later it would get stuffy, and she would crawl out, waking me up. Then, about 2am, she would want to lay down next to my head, IN MY FACE! That was the point when she would get shooed out of the bedroom! Currently, Chelsie sleeps with me because I have to keep her separate from Lilly. If she has just eaten, she will settle down along my back and sleep. But as soon as she thinks I'm awake or she gets hungry enough, she will lay ON TOP of me, usually with her face in mine. Or she will lay on the bed near my face and give me a bath. She gets repeatedly shoved to the foot of the bed until I'm ready to get up.

I am not necessarily a restless sleeper, but I do move around. I have never rolled over on top of a cat, probably because they lay on top of the covers, and because they move out of the way when they feel me start to move. But I have two slogan buttons that read "Cats take their half of the bed out of the middle" and "I want a cat with a snooze alarm!" They're both true!
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04-26-2012, 07:29 PM,
Ram Offline
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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
So a cat will always be "half asleep" with the ability to always get out of the way when you are able to crash on the top of them? That sounds like they aren't even sleeping. Don't they ever sleep for real? lol

By the way, are your cats having some kind of regular sleeping schedule? I know all animals in cat family are usually more active at night. Not sure about the domesticated ones. Then again, they don't have to go to work, so they can sleep any time they want.
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04-27-2012, 08:07 PM,
Karenskatz Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
Well, ever heard the term "cat nap"? I know that Chelsie sleeps soundly at times because she snores!

Cats are typically hunting at evening and early night, so that's when our domestic ones have their bursts of activity. They will usually sleep when there's nothing interesting happening, like when you go to work.
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04-28-2012, 07:10 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-28-2012, 07:11 AM by Fishbone.)
Fishbone Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
Well, my cats generally sleep where ever they want. The only place they aren't allowed are counter tops, and all three are good about it.

I think most domesticated cats adjust to their humans schedules a bit. Over the years I have had weird work hours, and they will know when I am supposed to be getting home, and if I am very late will be roaming around and disconcerted.
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05-23-2012, 06:35 AM,
The CatDog Offline
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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
Our two cats have free roam in the house except for our daughters room, we keep her door shut as the cats would more than likely wake her up during the night and that isn't good for us Big Grin

They will find any small dark place normally to sleep and most of the time one would sleep on top of a carry-on bag in our closet while the other either finds her spot on the computer chair or under our bed.
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05-30-2012, 11:42 PM,
amanda509 Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
absolutely Smile my bed is my cat's bed so i cant convince him otherwise. my boyfriend is even a little allergic to cats, but he still lets my cat sleep with us, he loves cats XD
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05-31-2012, 04:59 PM,
Ram Offline
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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
(05-30-2012, 11:42 PM)amanda509 Wrote: absolutely Smile my bed is my cat's bed so i cant convince him otherwise. my boyfriend is even a little allergic to cats, but he still lets my cat sleep with us, he loves cats XD

Where in the bed do you let your cat sleep?
Can't be between you two, can it? Big Grin

I know a few people who let their cats to sleep in the bed often provide the spot after their feet. So they won't accidentally touch the cat in sleep.
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05-31-2012, 08:07 PM,
amanda509 Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
(05-31-2012, 04:59 PM)Ram8349 Wrote: Where in the bed do you let your cat sleep?
Can't be between you two, can it? Big Grin

I know a few people who let their cats to sleep in the bed often provide the spot after their feet. So they won't accidentally touch the cat in sleep.

depends on his mood lol. sometimes between us, sometimes by our feet, other time he will sleep on us, and he really likes my head -.-
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06-06-2012, 02:03 PM,
twinsmommy Offline
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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
My cat pretty much sleeps where he wants to, including my bed. He tends to hang out on the couch when I am there, or with the kids when they are here, but at bedtime he is in my bed. Every night. And he sleeps where ever he wants, mostly on the other pillow next to my head, but sometimes at the end of the bed. I have never rolled over on my cat in my sleep but I can promise he would move out of the way very quickly if I did. I have accidentally stepped on his tail a couple of times, but I catch myself when I feel it under my foot, but he moves very quickly.
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06-07-2012, 01:11 AM,
love2loveu Offline
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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
I do not mind where my cat sleeps but I do not allow him in the bed with me. I do not want to roll my cat to scare him. That would probably scare me too lol
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06-12-2012, 05:16 AM,
andrew320 Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
We always permit the cats to sleep in the bed. What I hate is when one cat sleeps in the bed and the other one looks on and looks sad, even though we offer him to also come to bed with us.

It's awful, though, when you try to move, but can't because you don't want to hurt or disturb your cat. I have to lie quite still like a rock in order not to wake up the cat(s).
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06-13-2012, 02:04 PM,
laurasav Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
I've always allowed my favorite cats to sleep with me. All the cats are welcome on the bed, but my favorite ones have been allowed to sleep under the covers, snuggled up against me. The one who sleeps with me nightly now is my Tonkinese. If he's not around, the Bengal will come to bed. Since the Tonk is by far the dominant cat, the Bengal won't come near him if she can help it.
The Tonk wants to sleep behind me, under the covers, up close to my bum. The Bengal wants to be held and cuddled up against my chest. For awhile I was able to get the Tonk settled behind me and asleep before the Bengal would come and get settled against my chest. There were too many times when the Tonk would wake up though and discover an "intruder" and chase her away. So now she only comes when she knows he's locked out of the bedroom.
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06-13-2012, 11:58 PM,
HK86 Offline
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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
I don't mind cats on the covers, but I'd be nervous if they were under them with me, in case they got wrapped up in the dvuet when I turned over and panicked!

I used to have a cat called Pansy and I hated her coming into my room at night... she was fine for most of the night but if you moved around, she'd watch your feet under the covers and then bite them Sad gave me a huge fright the first time she did it!
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06-14-2012, 12:29 AM,
Victor Leigh Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
I have no problems with my cats sleeping in my bed.

Yes, they do leave behind quite a bit of fur but I am not allergic to fur. As for the question of whether I would crush my cats when I turn over in my sleep, it's not an issue with me. For a start, my cats don't just sleep in my bed. They actually sleep on me. I usually sleep on my side and my cats would sleep on the side of my torso. Their favorite place is the part between my shoulder and my neck. This part has become kind of like a position of privilege.

However I noticed that as my cats grew older, they are sleeping less in my bed. Maybe they are making way for the kittens or maybe they are spending the nights hunting mice.
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06-18-2012, 10:48 AM,
Mystique Offline

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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
My cats sleep all over the house except for one that sleeps with us in bed. Sometimes, he's under the bed or he joins the rest in the guest room. We have a room for them and yet, they end up either in our room or the upstairs living area.
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06-18-2012, 06:53 PM,
Victor Leigh Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
I think it has something to do with the weather, too. When it's hot, most of my cats would find somewhere else to sleep. When it's cold and rainy, then it's snuggle time in my bed.
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06-20-2012, 01:56 PM,
dziomek Offline
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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
We no longer have cats in the house due to my second hubby's allergies, but I used to let my cat sleep with me. I miss having a cat inside to some extent, but I do not miss the hair all over. (My cat was a long haired tabby and she would shed constantly.) If she thought it was time for us to wake up she would jump up on the headboard and knock stuff onto the bed. if there was nothing to knock over she would walk back and forth and meow. As for sleeping, she would lay on either mine or my ex's feet; it's amazing how a 10 pound cat can feel like 20 pounds when they're asleep.

She is no longer with us as she was almost 19 years old when she got ill and had to be put to sleep, but she is the only cat I had that was so spoiled. I had her over half of my life and it was a very hard decision to make, but I couldn't stand to see her suffer.
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06-20-2012, 06:10 PM,
Cat Offline

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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
My cat loves to sleep in my bed, usually on her own side. If anyone comes to sleep there she will stand and meow at them till they either pet her, give her space or remove her! She thinks it is her bed!

She is a weird little thing, she won't walk on you in the bed unless you have covers on. When it is a hot night in the summer and you don't want to sleep even with a sheet, she won't come around you! But in the winter when you have blankets on she will stand and lay all over you! Gen068
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07-01-2012, 12:57 AM,
letusbefree Offline
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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
I wish my cat would sleep in my bed more often! She makes me feel safe. She usually likes to sleep in the living room on one of our chairs which has kind of become her "throne," and sometimes will sleep in my doorway/right outside of my bedroom door if it's closed. However, some nights she will creep into my room and hop up onto my bed -- I don't know why she does it when she does it, but she's always welcome! Generally she'll sleep at the foot of the bed, but sometimes when it's colder outside she gets closer. I sleep on my side, and one night I woke up to find that she was sleeping pressed up against my back, curled up in a little ball! It was too cute. I don't really worry about hygiene, because my cat is an indoor cat and is basically cleaning herself 24/7... She's probably cleaner than me!
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07-01-2012, 01:44 AM,
purplecapricorn Offline
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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
We don't have a choice, the cats are kind enough to let us share with them!

[img][Image: 534539_4280270812878_514587702_n.jpg][/img]
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07-01-2012, 05:20 AM,
laurasav Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
Purple, that caption is HILARIOUS! And so typical CAT-like!!! LOL! It reminds me how my cats treat me, like I really am a lesser being. I gotta do a poll about that and see if other cat owners allow their cats to dictate where we are to sit or lay. Too funny!

My original three cats would often all sleep in the bed with us at night. It was almost impossible to move with all of them spread out around me. Good thing we have a king size bed!

Like I said earlier, now it's mostly just the Tonk that sleeps under the covers with me. The other 2 cats sleep just outside the bedroom, in the sitting area of our master suite.
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07-15-2012, 03:29 AM,
ACSAPA Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
My cat basically sleeps where she wants, the only places she isn't allowed are places where food is prepared or served because I don't want to bite into a cat hair quesadilla or find a whisker floating in my coffee. Icon_eek
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07-15-2012, 04:20 AM,
laurasav Offline


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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
LOL - ACSAPA - you're funny with that "cat hair quesadilla"! That's the way it's always been in our household too. Our cats are allowed to be anywhere but on the kitchen counters or dining room table. I don't allow them on the coffee table either because food and drink is often set on there. However, I have caught them up on the counters or table in the past, though they well know they're not allowed there! I've also seen evidence, little paw prints, letting me know they've snuck up there when we weren't around!
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07-16-2012, 12:29 AM,
neverforget98 Offline
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RE: Do you let cats sleep in your bed?
Our cats are family<3 they sleep wherever they wanna. Liam usually sleeps with my brother, and when he is not home, he is lost. Molly usually sleeps with Mom or under my desk. :p
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