It's so hard for me to choose just one favorite, because I like all animals. I like horses too and I owned ten of them a few years ago. I couldn't take them with me when I moved and it broke my heart to leave them, but I left them with someone who I knew would take care of them. I also am very fond of cows and right now I have a small calf that I'm bottle feeding. I bottle fed my first calf when I was a kid so I've always had a place in my heart for cows. One of my bottle calves that I had several years ago grew up to be a very large steer. He was about 15 years old when he died and he was as gentle then as he was when he was a baby.
I also like goats and I think they're very hilarious to watch. Goats are actually smarter than some people think they are. I have two pygmy goats right now. They were both bottle fed and one of them actually lived in my apartment with me for several months when I was bottle feeding her. When she was a baby, I also had a kitten inside the house too. The baby goat and the kitten became fast friends and they would play together all the time. It was so fun to watch them. In addition to the kitten, I also had two other grown cats in the house. They didn't care much for the goat invading their space, but they weren't mean to her, they would just run when they would see her. One day, I heard a noise in the litter box and when I looked, the goat was in the litter box going to the bathroom. I guess she learned that from watching the cats and she continued to use the litter box whenever she had to go. So, that's why I think goats are smart animals.