I have two cats currently. My cat is an old dude, who's name is Max. He's about 16 or so, at least that's what we think his age is. We're not quite sure, because he had three different owners before us. Here's mine now though, haha. He's a American Short Hair, and is a dark coloured tabby. We jokingly call him "Old Man Stoner Cat" because he always has this weird "stoned" look on his face. My other cat, who's more my Dad's cat then mine is about 11 or 12. My Dad keeps saying that she's 8, but he's been saying that she's 8 years old for about 6 or 7 years, haha. Her name is Hufflepuff, she's a dark grey tuxedo cat; she has a strip of white fur around one leg that we call her "garter". She's also an American Short Hair, and oh my God, she is a stinker! She's one of those cats that twine around your ankles when you're trying to do something, like walk down the stairs or cook dinner. I've tripped over her so many times.