I wanted to share this with you and advice you not to do something like this ever.
I got home from work yesterday around midnight and I heard some noises in the yard and my dogs were all agitated so I went inside, grabbed a flashlight and headed outside to investigate. Next to my garage there was a small ball of fur, scared and meowing desperately. It wasn't one of my cats but I managed to catch it and tried my best to make it relax. I was heading inside when I heard other sounds coming from the same place. I went back and I have found... wait for it... 4 more kittens!!! After about 2 hours I managed to catch all of them and I took them inside, fed them and gave them water. They were so scared, the poor little things!
The next morning when I went in the yard I found the last of them, it was hiding in the shed. I took it in and let it accommodate with his brothers and sisters who were more friendly today. I decided to keep them until they will be stronger and then put them up for adoption.
What I want to warn everybody about: when you have new kittens that you don't want, DON'T EVER DROP YOUR KITTENS OVER SOMEONE'S FENCE just because they own a lot of animals. My dogs could have killed all the kittens if we decided to let them sleep wherever they wanted in the yard for the night. If my dogs were free, I would have come home to a massacre.
I am very frustrated and furious with whoever did this, what kind of person would do such a thing?!
I am sorry, guys, just had to share this and take it off my chest.