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Lost Bird reunited with owner after told the police of her address and phone number
05-12-2012, 01:58 AM,
Thor Offline


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Lost Bird reunited with owner after told the police of her address and phone number
You don't need a microchip to track a talking bird. All you need to do is to teach the birdie to repeat your address and phone number.

Piko, a two-year-old blue budgerigar lost his way home. After the bird was found by the police. He was able to tell the cops about his owner's address and phone number. The cops contacted the owner and confirmed the bird's story, they reunited.

[Image: 6a00d8341bf67c53ef0168eb616418970c-400wi]

Here is the video.
27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0">

Ok, everyone should start teaching your pets to repeat your address and phone number now. Tongue

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05-13-2012, 02:38 PM,
Mantis Offline
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Lost Bird reunited with owner after told the police of her address and phone number
That's quite incredible. I'll certainly keep that in mind if I ever get a talking bird. Smile

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05-13-2012, 10:28 PM,
Ram Offline
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Lost Bird reunited with owner after told the police of her address and phone number
I actually never knew this species of bird can learn to talk until recently. They are really common as pet bird because they are extremely easy to take care of. Very few people teach them to talk, or even know they can talk. It takes training for the owner to train the bird to talk. Random people with no experience might end up with a bird with a "dirty" mouth. LOL !
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05-14-2012, 12:49 PM,
Mantis Offline
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Lost Bird reunited with owner after told the police of her address and phone number

I haven't laughed this hard in days. Rofl
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09-15-2012, 12:24 PM,
Msmonkeyfeet Offline
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RE: Lost Bird reunited with owner after told the police of her address and phon
(05-13-2012, 10:28 PM)Ram Wrote: I actually never knew this species of bird can learn to talk until recently. They are really common as pet bird because they are extremely easy to take care of. Very few people teach them to talk, or even know they can talk. It takes training for the owner to train the bird to talk. Random people with no experience might end up with a bird with a "dirty" mouth. LOL !

I had no idea that that type of bird could take either! My great grandmother had one for years and I don't recall the bird every saying anything. That's pretty incredible though that the bird was able to "tell" police where it lived and that police even took the bird seriously enough to look into it's story!
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02-07-2013, 08:33 AM,
AnnaU93 Offline
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RE: Lost Bird reunited with owner
This is just amazing! I actually smiled ear from ear when I first read this. This owner is just wonderful as well as the bird.I guess this is something useful that every pet owner should be doing. It's really a great way to never truly lose your most beloved pet! If I had a parrot this would definitely be the first thing that I would teach it!
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02-09-2013, 04:24 AM,
jenb128 Offline


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Lost Bird reunited with owner after told the police of her address and phone number
I wish I could teach my bird to say our address and phone number. He tries to talk, but he just can't quite do it. He's more of a whistler and sound effects specialist than a talker. I suppose I could try to teach him to whistle or click it in Morse code! Wink
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03-01-2013, 02:05 PM,
ACSAPA Offline


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Heart  RE: Lost Bird reunited with owner
Thank you for sharing this video. It was so cute to hear a bird speaking Japanese.
It was so clever of Piko's owner to teach him his address and phone number. I'm so glad that the police took the little guy seriously and decided to check out the address. Piko's owner looked so happy to reunited with her little buddy.

By the way, the cursing parrot was freaking priceless. I have a potty mouth, so if I had a bird, I would have to be careful not to curse around him or her.
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08-02-2013, 04:04 PM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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RE: Lost Bird
That is just really wonderful that they found the owner of the bird by listening to it talk ! They say that parakeets are a lot smarter than people thought they were. Everyone has given the parrot credit for being very intelligent, but there is actually a website posted by someone that carried on real conversations with his parakeet.
It is kind of hard to understand the bird at first, but the owner tells you what the conversation is, and then you can pick up that the bird is actually saying those words. The bird lectures the owner on his behavior , and tells him to be nicer to his wife . You can tell he is talking, not just repeating stuff e heard. It is pretty incredible.
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