All toys are safe for birds if they adhere to these basic guidelines:
1. Use nontoxic dyes, as well as no toxic paints. In fact, paints should be avoided as they can chip off and birds can swallow them.
2. No plastic that can be torn/bitten off. Plastic is bad for birdie digestive systems.
3. Can be torn and ripped, but not sticky. Birds love to rip and tear things. Napkins, newspapers, even lettuce and other veggies make great toys. However, they should not be sticky (there are "bird papers" coated in honey... don't but them!) that can choke birds once they attempt to play with it.
That's really it. Birds, at least in my experience, like to destroy. Your paper pinata might be a great source of entertainment as a foraging toy! Stuff it with some nontoxic paper and treats and your little guy will have a ball. If he's a shredder, the wood might not be of interest to him. However, the ropes will. Please make sure he does not swallow the rope that he may chew off. Clip any frayed ends off of the rope. I'm not sure of the health effects but I believe that nothing should go in a bird's body unless it's food.
Just be careful and watch your bird when he plays to see what kid of activities he enjoys.