I get carried away with things and forget often. I think I may have a slight ADD issue that is caused by my anxiety disorder or something.
My name is Sarah. I'm a 31 year old WAHM. I have a house FULL to take care of. A 38 year old man-child, I mean, boyfriend. An 11 year old biological daughter who wants to be a vet. An 8 year old soon-to-be stepdaughter who wants to be a princess. A crazy kitty who hates the indoors and LOVES the outdoor life. A 14 month old boxer-pit mix who is FULL of personality. A 6 month old dachsund-pit mix (yes you read that right and mama was the pit if you can imagine that!) who won't shush her mouth. A six month old beardie who is just the coolest thing ever. A 1 year old mama cat with new kittens (only four who have homes already and she IS getting spayed in August!).
Here's my pups Rosie (big) and Coco (small) and my beardie (Diesel Mudd or D-man). Gucci Mama is just too cool for mama-razzi.