Hi guys! I am thinking about buying a pig. Not a ginuea pig, but an actual farm type pig. I heard they make really good pets, but I want to be sure before I buy one if it's a good idea. Is there anyone on here who has one, or has owned one in the past that could give me any advice? I'm curious to know what sort of things to feed it, and how often they need to eat, etc. Also any info regarding price and where I can get one would be greatly appreciated as well. Thank a lot guys!
From what I know, a pig is also similar to a cat or a dog when taken care of. Although it has its own idiosyncrasy like being noisy when hungry, the pig tends to be affectionate to the one who feeds it. A family friend who has a farm have some pigs loose in their vast yard. He said that their loose pigs are also like dogs who follow him when he is doing his chore in the farm like feeding the other animals or tending the plants.
When the pig is given a regular bath, it can be kept inside the house. And like a dog, it can also be taught toilet manners so it would do its thing only when outside of the house.
You might want to contact one of the pig farms to see if they sell any piglet. While you are at it, might as well ask them about the pig feed. They probably buy the pig feed in large quality from somewhere else.
Sorry, I have never had a pig myself. So I do not have first hand experience with them as pet.
One thing for sure is that the farm pigs will grow into very large size. Much bigger than ordinary dogs. They will also eat like... pigs . Are you prepared to get a pet like that?
Thanks guys, lots of good information on here that I haven't considered before. I know that pigs grow into a very large size, but I was considering keeping it outdoors, so that shouldn't be much of a problem. I was thinking I would have a small shelter, dog house type thing, in my backyard that I would keep it in.