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Regretting adopting two puppies!!
08-10-2014, 09:13 PM,
regrettingapuppy Offline

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Regretting adopting two puppies!!
My sister's coworker's dog had puppies, and my my sister convinced me to adopt not one, but TWO of them. At the time I was alright with it, I thought I could handle it.

My cats hate them and keep trying to hit the puppies. I don't have the money to take them to the vet. I have depression and as I was taking care of them I realized that I cannot keep an eye on them and give them the attention they need. I broke down crying because I was so stressed out and I knew I had messed up by adopting these dogs.

I feel like a bad person, I never meant to cause any harm to the dogs or to my mother; I'm only 18, I acted without thinking and I don't want to confuse the dogs any further by letting them stay with me despite the possibility that I might inadvertently neglect them.

I sound spoiled and selfish, and what I did was immature. I don't want to just give them away like they don't matter, but they deserve a better home than someone who can't care for them. I don't know what I should do!!
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08-10-2014, 10:44 PM,
evelynmcgregor Offline
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RE: Regretting adopting two puppies!!
It is so easy to be won over by puppies. They are just cute little bundles of fur and playfulness. And I understand your regret in taking two of them home. They are a handful to keep up with and do all of the things they need done. I would advise that you start looking for new homes for them. You are not a bad person for not wanting to keep them. You just realize you are overwhelmed by them. There will be someone out there willing to give them the home they need. What kind of dogs are they? Will they be big or small when they are grown?
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08-11-2014, 06:12 AM,
regrettingapuppy Offline

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RE: Regretting adopting two puppies!!
Jack Russel Terrier, not too big I suppose. I took them back to the people I adopted them from, I guess it's best the go to a home that can actually take care of them!!
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08-17-2014, 02:04 PM,
Francy Offline
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RE: Regretting adopting two puppies!!
Having two puppies is a lot of work! So don't feel bad about being responsible enough to give them away to someone that can give them the attention they need. A lot of people will hold on to animals for their own selfish reason, you are realizing that they need more attention than what you can give them, and that aside is very unselfish. So give yourself a break and learn from your mistake, and find them a good home! Smile

P.S. I did the same thing when I was younger. We ended up keeping one of the puppies and giving the other one away to a good home. I was able to give my full attention to the one puppy and he has turned out to be the best dog ever. So maybe you want to keep one if you think you can give it what it needs! They are wonderful animals! Or maybe you just want to wait until you are a little older. Anyway, good luck! You're doing the best you can!
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08-17-2014, 03:07 PM,
Thor Offline


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RE: Regretting adopting two puppies!!
Thanks OP! It was a good lesson. Thumbsup

A lot of us do not know how much time, money, amongst many other things it will be involved to take care of certain pets until after we got the pets which is already too late. Gladly you still have the fix by returning the puppies to the original owner.

For all of us pet keepers or potential pet keepers, it is a good idea to research thoroughly on the subject before getting any pet at all. It is highly recommended to learn exactly what we are getting ourselves into and all the detailed tasks we have to perform in order to take good care of the pets before even decide if we want to get the pet or not.

By doing so, we can avoid unnecessary troubles for both the pets and ourselves.
To get any pet at all, we must first make sure if we are qualified. It is the first step to be a responsible pet keeper. Wink
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08-19-2014, 12:37 AM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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RE: Regretting adopting two puppies!!
Having a puppy is a full-time responsibility, and having two of them at once is double the work. Especially when you first get one, and have had no house training, or idea what is acceptable behavior. Many people will fall in love with an adorable puppy, and just think they can let it wander around the house while they are at work, or put it in a kennel all day. Puppies need to go to the bathroom at least every hour, maybe a lot more; so someone needs to be there with the puppy at all times.
I think that you did the best thing to take your puppies back to the people you got them from. They are giving away the other puppies, and should be able to find a good home for the two that you and your sister have as well.
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08-19-2014, 03:32 AM,
Snowflakes Offline
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RE: Regretting adopting two puppies!!

You did the right thing of taking them back to their original owners and keeping you off from stressing the puppies and yourself of course. Coping with depression and anxiety with pets that does not suit you could add up to your condition as well as risking the puppies' normal growth surrounding. Although generally puppies are asorable little ones, their hyperactive ways could stress you out and as you say you might not be able to manage.

But still, do not loose hope in raising them. Your timing is probably not right as this might be not the right time to have them because of your condition. Puppies like kittens are adorable animals. Try some other time first with a single one and once you get used with their ways and bonding with your kittens then add up one by one. I'm sure before you noticed them you are raising them all together amazingly. Raising these pets are the most wonderful thing in the world. It helped me find joy and happiness as it cures away my depression and relaxed my spirit. I became more joyful and cheerful and help me to worry less from all the problems I've had. Wink
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