We had a brazilian rainbow boa that our girls named "skittles". Needless to say, they are no longer allowed to name the snakes. I named our first jag carpet python Arnie, after leonardo dicaprio's character in the movie "Whats Eating Gilbert Grape". I thought that was appropriate for a jag. Two of our newly hatched baby geckos are named "Stinky" and "Weazy" - (short for weasel teats - Stinky Weasel Teats. My husband is a large fan of Ren and Stimpy.)
Two of our female carpet pythons have the names, Corriander, and Saffron, and our female Bredli python is Cinnamon - they are my Spice Girls!
All of our cats have names, but my husband likes to nickname them, so most of the time in our house you can hear names like "fuzzbucket" and "fatboy".