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07-06-2015, 06:39 PM,
Cacret's Zoo Yard Offline

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Hello! First of all, before I go to topic, I am Cacret. I have a BUNCH of pets. I have 5 dogs, 5 aquariums(2 5gal betta tank, 75 g tank, 100g tank and 250 g tank) , 8 parakeets, 2 cockatiels , a sparrow, and soon........tarantulas!

I was wondering the ff things about Tarantulas:
1) what do i feed my tarantulas while they are still slings?
2) can I keep a Mexican Red Rump Tarantula with a Mexican Red Knee Tarantula. If so, can they be docile to each other of they were raised together?
3) How aggressive will a Red Rump be to me?
Thank you in advance!
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07-09-2015, 10:48 PM,
Thor Offline


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RE: Tarantula
Hi Cacret, welcome to the forum! Welcome

You definitely have a zoo at home. Big Grin

I am not an tarantula expert, but I have done some homework for your questions.

1. It seems most people feed tarantulas slings with mealworms, superworms, silkworms. Basically worms. Some people claim they will need pre-killed food, like dead baby crickets. It depends on the individual tarantulas. One might eat the food the other won't touch. Wink

2. It might not be a good idea to keep more than one tarantula in the same container. So if you decide to get two tarantulas, please get two separated containers for them.

3. A red rump is a fairly docile species, but it can also become aggressive on occasions especially when it feels threatened. It is not recommended to handle your tarantula very often as they do not need human interaction. If they bite, it is like a bee sting.

By the way, I look forward to see some of your pets. The fish aquariums are particular interesting to me as I am a fish guy. Tongue
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07-10-2015, 02:17 PM,
Ram Offline
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RE: Tarantula
Welcome to the forum, Cacret.

1. You can feed them any small sized insects. Either from pet store, or catch them in your own backyard. I know people who catch flies and ants to feed to their tarantulas.

2. To this date, I have never personally seen any two tarantulas in the same closure. There must be a reason for it. Better safe than sorry.

3. Do you plan to handle your tarantulas with your bare hands? Tarantulas are usually kept as show pets. Not something you want to play around in your hands all day. Most of the time they should not be aggressive but if something goes wrong you might get bit. In case you want to handle a tarantula, put one hand in front of it and let it climb onto your hand on its own. Never attempt to catch it with your hands.
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