We have two cats. One plays with very few toys. She'll chase a string for a bit if you wiggle it at her, but becomes disinterested very easily. About the only toy she's ever played with of all the ones we've given her is a butterfly that has crinkly plastic in the wings. Whenever that makes it's way out from under the furniture she'll go after it, but nothing else!
Our other kitty is much more curious and likes to play with a variety of toys. She just moved in a year ago and immediately took up playing with toys our other girl has been ignoring forever! She's a hoot to watch....really gets into it and will toss toys up into the air then chase them, or get all four feet hooked into something and then go at it with her teeth. I do have to say her favorite toy isn't a toy at all....I'd left a tennis ball out one day and she discovered it. I took it away and thought I'd hidden it. Nope. After the second attempt to keep it from her I gave up. Now, it's her favorite.