We live in the country, in an old trailer house, and often have the doors and windows open to let the fresh air come through the house. There are a lot of Carolina Wrens and Cardinals that live in the trees around the house, so we always have the bird feeders out for them to come and eat, and we especially enjoy listening to the wrens with their "cheater, cheater, cheater" call that they repeat over and over, and then they will say another word over and over.
Sometimes, when we have the windows and doors are open, they will just take a shortcut right through the house, often flying in through the bathroom window, and then out the back door.
Occasionally, they fly right into the living room, and will land on the curtains and watch us for a while, chirping , and then fly back outside. They do not seem panicked when they do this, like they were lost, they really seem to be just paying us a visit.
Probably, they are there to tell me that the bird feeder needs refilled....