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baby squirrel eating banana
04-14-2012, 05:57 AM,
Thor Offline


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baby squirrel eating banana
A video of baby squirrel eating a piece of banana.

I want one too. Popcorn
Nope, I didn't mean a piece of banana, but a baby squirrel. :p
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04-15-2012, 02:32 PM,
Monica9975 Offline
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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
So lovely,but i want that piece of banana first,afterwards,the baby will come to pray for me for the banana,then they baby squirrel will be mine.Finally,i get the baby squirrel.Haha!
I just know that monkeys and meSlobber like eating bananas,i have never seen a squirrel eating banana like that.Except bananas,are there other favorite foods for squirrels.
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04-15-2012, 09:26 PM,
Thor Offline


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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
Squirrels usually eat nuts, but they will also eat any fruit as well as bird eggs sometimes. This baby squirrel might not have the teeth required for hard food such as nuts yet.
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04-17-2012, 08:39 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-17-2012, 08:41 PM by Monica9975.)
Monica9975 Offline
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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
Oh,will they bite people when they feel hungry?bowdowndon't bite me,i'm scared.
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04-18-2012, 09:20 AM,
Ram Offline
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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
It's squirrels we are talking about. Not rats. Meat is not their natural diet. Although I was bit once by a squirrel when I tried to hand feed it, I believe it was a mistake on the squirrel's part as it was reaching the nuts in my hand.
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06-07-2012, 05:16 AM,
laurasav Offline


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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
Pretty cute video! I loved the little lip smacking, sucking sounds it was making! haha
It didn't appear that it was actually taking any bites, just kind of "gumming" the banana. I would assume a baby squirrel has teeth though. I've never known anyone to have a pet squirrel, but I bet it would make as good of a pet as any other rodent. I wouldn't mind having one as a pet! My husband has wanted to go squirrel hunting for years, but I won't allow it. They're just too darn cute!
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03-10-2013, 02:50 PM,
4sweed Offline


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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
I had some chipmunks babies once for pets. Their mom had gotten hit by a car. They were easy to care for we feed them milk with a eye dropper and a bottle, and later feed them birdseed and cracked nuts and fruit.

We let them loose when they were old enough and they hung around our porch for years geting free hand-outs.
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03-27-2013, 12:19 PM,
Libragirl67 Offline
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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
He is an adorable little thing. He looked like he was having a hard time with that banana. Do squirrells normally eat fruits? We are so fortunate to live in an area that has an abundance of wildlife. I sometimes will buy sunflower seeds for the squirrels in our backyard. We also have black and red squirrels in our area.
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03-29-2013, 01:43 AM,
jenb128 Offline


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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
Yes, squirrels love fruit, and bananas seem to be a favorite. I've help hand raise quite a few baby squirrels and have helped care for injured adults at a wildlife center. Even if the squirrel doesn't seem to have much of an appetite, they'll almost always eat a piece of banana. They also like grapes and apples, and even some veggies.

For babies, we give them squirrel formula (if we don't have that, Esbilac puppy formula will work) until they can eat solid foods. I don't recommend cow's milk, as it doesn't have quite the same nutrition and can make many squirrels sick. At the wildlife center, we frequently get calls from people saying, "I've been taking care of a baby squirrel the past week. He was doing fine, but he's really sick today all of a sudden!" 9 times out of 10, we find out that the people were feeding the squirrel cow's milk. Sometimes we can get the squirrel healthy again, but sometimes we can't.
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08-06-2013, 09:15 AM,
midnightrider Offline
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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
Thats adorable , I so jealous of the person that go to film this Tongue I had the opportunity to help take care of some baby racoons that came into our clinic , they were very cute but immensely hard to care for. Always up to something with those dextrous hands of theirs Wink It was a bittersweet moment when we found them a home at a rehabilitation centre.
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08-10-2013, 12:18 PM,
BWP Offline
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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
In my country the native wild squirrels will come into our gardens and nibble on the bananas growing on our trees there all the time. There is also a larger species of squirrel that we call the Giant Squirrel and they are black with orange bellies. They really like eating fruits and can even break young coconuts to drink the coconut juice on the inside. The little ones that come into our garden also like to eat mangoes so yes, I don't think there is anything wrong about a baby squirrel eating a piece of banana or other types of fruits.

That is one adorable video, by the way!
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08-17-2013, 02:44 PM,
alycat32 Offline
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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
That's so cute! While I'm not sure I'd want one in my house, I really enjoy taking pictures of squirrels during the fall and have never seen a baby squirrel before. Adorable. I'm in Washington state and we have a large amount of trees right next to our house. We hung up a bird feeder and the squirrels and chipmunks just love to steal the seeds that fall on the ground near our sliding glass door.

We actually have a little squirrel that literally ran up to our sliding glass door and peered in at us. That seriously cracked us up!
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08-18-2013, 05:13 AM,
Writer E Offline
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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
That is an adorable squirrel! Around here, the urban squirrels are pretty bold and will walk pretty close to people, especially if they have something edible on hand. Of course if you try to touch one (not recommended), they will speedily run off and climb a tree. I haven't seen a squirrel eat a banana before, but I wouldn't put it past them, if fruit is a part of their normal diet. I'll be that adult squirrels in the city would eat many things not part of their diet in the wild, having learned how to beg and scavenge off of people.

When I was in college, I was once very startled by a squirrel that jumped onto my leg. I shook that one off very quickly.
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09-06-2013, 02:43 PM,
ohiotom76 Offline


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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
Absolutely adorable. I had no idea that squirrels would eat bananas too. This got me wondering, what do baby squirrels usually eat in the wild before they are strong enough to chew nuts? Does the mother regurgitate food for them or something?

We feed the squirrels in our back yard peanut butter sandwiches, I may have to give some peanut butter bananas a try when we have old bananas sitting around.
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09-22-2013, 11:56 AM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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Wink  RE: baby squirrel eating banana
We live in the country here in northern Alabama, so there are a lot of squirrels all over. We have several bird feeders, and the squirrels love to get into the bird feeders and eat the sunflower seeds, and they spill the smaller seeds that they don't eat.
I keep the bird seed in the carport, and stored in a heavy plastic locked container .

Well, those little rascals ate their way through the plastic, and made a squirrel hole into the bird seed ! Now, they just slip in and out of there at will and enjoy the food buffet .
I enjoy the squirrels, but I want some seeds left for the the cardinals as well, so I am going to have to move the food onto the back porch and put duct tape on the hole.
Hopefully, the dogs will deter the squirrels from eating all the birdseed once it is on the porch, and they can go back to raiding the bird feeders for their snacks.
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08-01-2014, 03:44 AM,
Treeca86 Offline
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RE: baby squirrel eating banana
Aww! Cute! I used to have a squirrel. A man my Mom was dating when I was a teenager pressure washed his front porch one morning before we visited. He about drowned a baby squirrel, it scrambled out, he caught it and put it in a Pet Taxi. Mom and I got there, and he said to open the carrier. All I could do was scream as something flew out at me, circled my shoulders and went straight down my shirt and into my bra to sleep. That's where Oliver would go whenever I took him out of his cage. Oliver loved bananas, and pumpkin seeds. Had him for 2 years before I moved in with my Dad, he didn't like the thought of a squirrel in his house, so I called a friend who rehabilitated squirrels. Because Oliver had been domesticated she said she couldn't rehab him and release him. But after 3 days, he bit her and she took him up to Monte Sano Mountain to release him. Called me after saying all she could think of was he realized she wasn't Mommy, and I was. I was upset, Daddy saw it, saw how much I did love Oliver, said he was sorry, if he realized how much Oliver meant to me and if he'd have known the lady would do that, he would have agreed to let me keep Oliver. Still upsets me.
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