Stink bugs are a terrible nuisance, and nothing much smells worse than a stink bug does.
As far as I know, other animals do not eat stink bugs . I have seen dogs playing around with them, but if they once bite into one , or even just get their nose on it, and get a whiff of that obnoxious odor, they pretty much leave them alone.
Fortunately, they seem to be a problem mainly in the fall, and then disappear once the cold weather sets in, and that seems to be arriving early this year.
As awful as it sounds, my husband actually swallowed one of the stink bugs one time ! He had prepared himself a nice tuna fish sandwich, and somehow a stink bug crawled onto it when he wasn't looking, and when he took a bite of his sandwich, he was bent over double hollering and gagging all at the same time.
When he finally was able to speak again, he said he had accidentally eaten a stink bug .
So, apparently, the stink bug does not taste any better than it smells.