I think it would be cool to see what everyone's non traditional pet is. By non traditional I mean a pet that isn't as commonly seen in the average household so pigs, horses, goats, etc. Any pet you think would fit that category really! For me my favorite non traditional pet was my horses. I loved being able to wake up early in the morning and take a ride around my land and out on the trails that were nearby my house.
Despite the fact that I loved having a horse, and it would hands down be my favorite pet, I always wanted to own a ferret. I heard they can be a tricky pet though, and require some investment because they are good at escaping. They are so cute though! Every time I see one I just want to give it a hug. I would never actually own one myself, mostly due to the fact I do not have a lot of knowledge on them and probably couldn't invest a good amount of time to it. It is nice to daydream about though!