Cat Servant,
I applaud and can totally appreciate your enthusiasm about your campaign against declawing cats. However, you make a thread, ask everyone to support you and offer no reason as to why we should.
All you have posted in a link to a single page of a single veterinarian that opposes declawing.
Personally, I do not oppose declawing an indoor cat. I do feel it is imperative that it be done at a very early age. For the record, I know many, many veterinarians that will not declaw after 10-12 weeks of age. Most vets insist on laser surgery, pain meds and antibiotics although this surgery is done in less than 5 minutes and the cat doesn't even go under general anesthesia.
It isn't fair to say that veterinarians who practice declawing are cruel considering that they use the above precautions when performing this surgery.
Do you want to know what I think is worse than declawing? If it were an illegal practice in the US, the majority of people wouldn't have a cat. The population would boom overnight leading to feral cats; cold, hungry, homeless and starving. People do not want cats tearing up furniture and ripping up their skin. Bottom line.
If a cat has to go through a declawing to have a forever home with a little old lady for the rest of it's sweet life then I say, schedule a surgery and get that baby taken care of.