I am strongly against declawing. I thought that it was a removal of the nails, but found out from my brother in law(a vet) that it is much more.
Because claws are retractable, they actually need to not just remove the claw, but amputate to the first knuckle.
We got new living room furniture a year ago, and one of the cats was just determined to claw at it, while the others were content with the cat trees and other things we have for their clawing activity.
I got double sided tape, and put it on the areas where she liked to scratch. Which reminds me, she hasn't even tried to scratch in ages and it's time to get out the "undo" and remove the tape.
There are other things that the cats have scratched over the years, but frankly, my cats are my babies. I can't imagine declawing them. I think it is absolutely cruel.
Cats do, however, defend themselves with their hind claws so wouldn't be in any more danger if outside.
Experts have said that some cats behavior changes after being declawed, and not for the better.
As far as I'm concerned the health and well being of my babies is more important than any item.