The squirrels are up to their mischief again ! ! The birds were spilling the seed under the feeder that we hung up on the side of the house, and the seeds were sprouting and growing right where i had planted my lettuce and beets. Now, I have to try and replant the veggies, since all that is growing there is the bird grass.
So, we decided that the best plan would be to move the bird feeder out front where it was not right over where the lettuce and beets were planted. My husband hung the feeder in a tree in the front yard, and also put on one of the plastic pvc pipe pieces that would spin when the squirrels tried to get to the bird feeder.
Well, it didn't work ! ! The squirrels were able to hang on to the bark on the tree, and stretch far enough to reach my bird feeder. Then, my husband moved the feeder to the front of the house, in the wood that was in the center of our large picture window. There should be no way that the squirrels could get to that, and the birds were again happily eating at their feeder.
But, alas, tonite, we found birdseed dumped onto the ground again, so it looks like those brilliant and conniving little squirrels (at least one of them) figured out a way to get to the feeder again.
The saga continues......