I spoil my cats from time to time. It's so hard not to, they are just so cute. They meow at me and it's so sweet and soft. Their little eyes on me, begging for food. Sometimes I just have to give in. I know they are trying to get my attention, and they are damn good at it lol. My cats get fed a fixed amount a day so it's usually three times a day. They know when food time is over but sometimes they meow at me to see if I'll give in. Sometimes I ignore them and they stop. Sometimes I'll just give them a little bit and they are satisfied. I ignore any other behaviors that I absolutely do not accept. For example, my gray cat sometimes likes to stare at me while I eat my dinner and will sometimes try and take a piece for himself. I always ignore him and move him away when he tries these behaviors and they have decreased in frequency. I wouldn't say my cats are spoiled but I do sometimes spoil them with extra food or a treat here and there.