It is interesting how some dogs are bothered by thunder storms, and even terrified of the noise, while other dogs seem to not care at all. We used to have a Pekingese mix that was absolutely terrified by any loud noises. When the schools have their ball games, and shoot off fireworks afterwards, she would be clawing at the back door to get in if she was outside, and usually either hiding under the bed, or curled up beside my chair if she was inside.
We used to live out in the country, and next to the shooting range, and I think she probably wandered over there, and then the shooting started, and she ran home in a panic, thinking that she was being shot at.
When she was little the storms didn't seem to bother her, but after she got older, and would chase the wild rabbits through the woods, I think that is when she went next door and thought that someone was shooting at her.