Puppet, I totally agree with you about this issue ! We need to be more humane with animals in how we treat them; but simply letting them multiply and invade our cities where they have no natural enemies to provide population control, is not a good thing either.
None of us wants to lose our belived dogs or cats in a vicious attack; let alone if a wild pack of coyotes should attack someone's child and maul it to death.
It seems like we go to one extreme ot the other with this.
Animals that are raised for food (at least here in the United States) live horrible lives, and often die a terrible death. There needs to be better regulations and laws to prevent companies from doing this.
The other side of the coin is that we now protect so many wild animals that they are able to multiply until theyare over-running the populated areas because they have learned that there is no danger for them there.
Neither of these things is a good thing. As you stated, we need to protect animals; but not allow them to take over.