Thank You, Thor, for your recommendations
I'm continuing the water changes. I am using a water conditioner (Top Fin) I believe it came with this tank along with food. I will also cut
back feeding to every-other day and continue to monitor the water parameters twice a day. SO far...these fish are extremely active and seem to
be happy. The betta and the guppy's are getting along fine. I did not know that about not mixing guppy's and betta, the fish store person
told me they would be fine!!! The betta basically hangs out around one corner of this small tank while the guppy's swim everywhere together
in a school. They are ALWAYS hungry, when I feed they consume everything within 30 seconds (or less), they have incredible appetites! They
then graze along the bottom picking through gravel for anything they can find.
I will go out today and purchase the Tetra SafeStart. I live in the middle of nowhere and have to travel close to 30 miles to get to a fish store,
but I'll do that today...I really do not want to lose these little guy's as they have been troopers through all my errors so far.
It is easy to continue the water changes over a long period of time. This is a very small tank and it only takes me 5 minutes in the morning to do this (but I can see if this were a large tank it would be a headache)! Lesson learned! No more fish in my next tank until it cycles (and yes, there will be another tank), I can see this is an addictive hobby. I'm already wanting at least a 40 gallon for my living room...but I'm going to wait until I get through this tank cycling and know that I have a grip on what I'm doing first.
Many Thanks,