(06-15-2015, 09:27 AM)Shihtzufan Wrote: My pets made me smile today because my daughter is having a really rough time teething - she's super fussy and having bouts of crying...it's not easy! The only thing that seems to cheer her up and take away her focus on the pain are our dog and cat. They're both so loving and affectionate towards her - any time she cries they come on over to see what's up.
Her face absolutely lights up when she sees them, and it really makes me proud that I have such caring pets. I know that probably sounds silly to some people, but they are both so gentle and patient with her -- when I first became a parent I was a little worried about how they would take to a new addition to the household, especially since so much of our time was devoted to the baby. But they've been brilliant and I love that they take some of the stress off me by being so entertaining for her.
I'm so thankful for them and they definitely make me smile because they're such good "big brothers" to her!
That is so sweet! It's always a big worry about how it's going to go but it sounds like it worked out perfect for your family!