I just finished reading the letter from the gas chamber guy at an animal shelter and the letter about Herbie the Cat. Both put me in tears. How can an articulate person like the one who wrote the letter that is supposed to be from someone who has to put those poor animals down, live with themselves? I sense from the letter they are having a difficult time with it and they are doing everything they can to relieve the suffering of these animals if even for a little while. The sad thing is that someone will be called upon to do it and rather someone with a heart like this person than someone who can do it with a hard heart. Still to have to make your money in that manner. I feel sorry for the man or woman who wrote that. The fear that these poor animals have to endure in the last moments of their lives. Its so sad. I can see why so few people have replied to this thread. What can you say? We have to do more to see to it that animals are not so cruelly done away with.