Some people think it is cruelty to keep animals in captivities. They say the animals prefer freedom.
Do you think the pets prefer the free food, shelter, and medicare we provide them, or do they prefer freedom (let them roam free outside) ?
I believe most pets much prefer to have free food, shelter, etc. over freedom. They simply have lost the ability to live on their own after we domesticated them for many generations. Even for those who can scavenge food, they don't live long without human care.
Dogs and cats will always come back for food even if you let them go free. Even some birds will return to their cage on their own because there is food in there. Someone had done experiment that he would go to the same spot beside a lake every day to feed (wild) fish. After a while, lots of wild fish would come to that spot right on time for food. They could be at a lot of other places, but it seems they choose to be there.
As animals, food is the single most important thing they want. Even if it means trade some of the freedom for it. That is what I believe. Not to mention they live a lot healthier and longer in captivity, it goes the same for all species of pets.
What is your opinion on house pets, caged birds, fish in aquarium etc.?
my cat is a complete house cat, the only time she steps outside is if the door is left open for a while and she sits on the porch or in the garden and someone is out there with her but the moment you touch or move the door even slightly she runs back inside. iv even left the door open for hours just to see what she would do and she just sits there and looks at all the things that happen but doesnt do anything. also when we are all out she always sits at the top of the stairs like she is waiting for us
so i think that animals do like being kept like this because they feel safe and cared for by their owners and in a way i think they care for their owners too, since they wait for them to get back from what ever they do and just love being near them.
I think that it depends on the animal species. Animals like cats, dogs and even birds are domesticated already, and will prefer food, shelter, medical care and human company to having a freedom to survive in the wild. It's not strange, after all us humans have also traded some of our own freedom for the same deal. To all the people who tell me that I should let my cats be free, I ask them, where is their natural habitat? We should still give our pets some freedom, of course, I wouldn't use this argument to defend a person who keeps his dog chained up all his life, or keeps his bird in a cage all the time, or his fish in a tank that's way too small. Animals that aren't as domesticated probably prefer their freedom at any cost.
I know my cat who's always lived inside (15 years) would be lost outside. She was born inside a household, never lived outside at all and has always been dependent on humans for food. Freedom wouldn't mean freedom for would most likely mean trauma and eventual death.
Our other cat was allowed to go outside at will in her old home (there was a cat door installed so she could come and go as she pleased, day or night) but always found her way back home at some point during the course of the day. Even when she was hunting (baby rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels) she always ate the manufactured food that was provided for her. As she got older she ranged outside much less frequently, particularly in the winter. In her new home she is an inside-only cat and seems perfectly content with it.
I don't think it's cruel at all to have an animal in your home for a pet. I think it IS important to be sure they get exercise and proper nutrition for their health.
As long as a pet is captive bred and has been well looked after since birth I believe it will always want to be cared for and provided with food and attention. Most stray and homeless animals are happier when they are rehomed by a loving family.
Cats, dogs and horses have been domesticated for millions of years, so human companionship is natural for them. I think it might be different for a non-domestic animal. I mean exotic pets that have been taken from the wild, or are descended from wild animals.
Pet mice need care and attention, and they respond to humans, whereas a wild mouse would not like to be kept in a cage and would only want to get back to the wild. Pet birds panick when they escape and end up being rescued. A wild bird will fly to freedom and never be seen again.