RE: What types of pets have you had? And what would you like to have?
When I was a small child I wanted a dog more than anything in the whole world, but my grandmother lived with us and she was allergic to all kids of pet hair. Interestingly enough, when she was raising my Mom, my Mom loved German Shepherd dogs and was allowed to have them. In all the years she lived at home she had six German Shepherds and named them all Prince. Even the females. No, my Mom didn't have six dogs all at once, just one at a time!
My parents allowed me to have one goldfish in a bowl, but I didn't consider that a good pet.
When I grew up and was on my own, I have been the proud human to a number of different kinds of pets as an adult. I raised giant green iguanas, African grey parrots, cockatiels and parakeets, many dog breeds including rescues and purebreds, cats, forest hinge-back tortoises, hamsters, gerbils, and tropical freshwater fish in 55 gallon aquarium tanks.
At one time I had quite a zoo in my large apartment. Now I have two Chihuahua's -- both are rescues. I found Chico at a puppy mill and took him home at five weeks of age. He turned ten in October. Coco was given to me by a friend who knew a woman with several children. They were going to move to a shelter, because the house was being foreclosed on, and the shelter didn't permit animals. He was about a year and a half old, and is now nine.
I want a pony! But, the area I live in is not a horse property area, and I couldn't board my pony and be with it as often as I like, because I don't drive. I had a good friend who owned several horses and kept them on her property, so I had a chance to be with them a lot. She also boarded a few others at a stable nearby, and we would visit them and ride them around the track.