Let me guess; is Oreo a black and white cat? It's a fairly common name for that coloring. Like a white cat named Snowball or a black one maned Midnight, there are certain commonalities in cat names that I've noticed. For orange tabbies, asside from Garfield or Morris here in WI popular names are Chedder or Cloby. For a white cat with random black blotches, Holstein (another WI joke?), Roarshak (after the ink-blot test), and (after the computers shipped in cow-print boxes) I've seen a few named Gateway. I read of two cats with loud purrs named Johnston and Evinrude for two brands of outboard motors. I've also heard of cats who eat a lot or cats that will eat anything who are named Hoover. Whatever I name a cat, I stick to the rule put forth by some author I can't remember the nam of, "Never give a pet a name you would be embarased to wander the neighborhood calling out loud".