I still haven't moved forward with this, yet. I'm trying to figure out where to keep the cage- in here, the computer room would be ideal but space may be an issue. I have room in the fish room, so that may work since I spend a good deal of time in there- but then my bedroom upstairs may be perfect.
I was at a resale shop last week and saw some cages, one of which I wish now that I had bought then. Its a hanging one on a stand that would be perfect for my bedroom- and then if I get the finch flight cage, it would be perfect for a table in the fish room.
Between two cages, I think the bird (or birds) would have a variety of interests and different levels of socialization etc.
Tomorrow I may see if the resale shop still has that cage (hopefully!) and then I may stop at Petco to see if they have the cage I mentioned above in stock. If so, I have a gift card I could use to buy it and many of the necessities as well.