When our first dog died, we were so devastated as if we had lost a child in the family. The 10 years of companionship had built a solid bond between me and Jedi. Renal failure was causing her too much pain so I requested the vet to put her to sleep. Jedi died in my hands. After several hours, my husband placed Jedi in a transparent plastic, the same size as trash bags. The first plastic bag was sealed and it again was inserted in another plastic bag for sealing. Jedi is a medium sized dog so the digging had to be done by 2 persons. There she lay for several months until I learned of the pet crematorium.
I hired people to unearth Jedi from her burial place. Her corpse was still intact. And after the cremation, they placed the ashes in a nice wooden box which is now resting in our living room. Until now, I still reminisce my happy days with Jedi.