If I could have any wild animal as a pet it would be a long fin mako shark. I love sharks but makos are my favorite. Short fin makos are more common and I love them too. But there have only been two long fin makos ever tagged for science and one of them off the coast of Cuba. I just love the sharp lines of their bodies with the long pectoral fins and even caudal fin. They are the fastest shark on earth and are primarily fish eaters. Their skin has the dark blue on the top that goes into a nice silvery light blue that is gorgeous. There has been studies that show that they are probably the smartest shark and can learn to recognize shapes to earn rewards. They are a little more evolved than most sharks because they can learn that something isn't going to harm them and act beyond instinct. I just think they are gorgeous and beautiful creatures. I would probably live on the beach and let it come visit me when it's not hunting since they are pelagic creatures.