I visited a nursing home once where there lived, I think, two dogs and a cat, or something like that. The animals were pretty much allowed to roam freely and would visit whomever they chose. The residents were delighted when an animal would pick them and spend a few hours or a day with that person. That same nursing home had a community fish tank in a sitting room where residents could go, look at the fish, talk to each other or watch a little TV. Another nursing home I visited a relative at, allowed residents to bring their own pets along, and you would see elderly people sitting in the corridors, leashes in hand and their faithful pooches by their sides. Sometimes you'd see a cat contentedly curled up on someone's lap. Both the owners and the pets looked happy, so I think that solution is best. Institutions should allow the person to bring along their own pet or pets as this helps both to feel better and less lonely. A veterinarian's office that I know of, has a pet cat who lives on the premises. He adores other cats yet hates dogs, so when a sick cat comes in to the office, he tries to comfort that kitty and will give him face licks and all sorts of adoration. Yet, when a sick dog comes in to the office, 'Henry' the cat will simply ignore him. So, I think that compatibility with other animals and other types of animals is something to be considered before allowing pets into institutions, as well. Pets who can't stand other pets wouldn't be a good fit in a place like that.